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What Has Motivated You To Stay In School And Aspire To Become A Nurse?

Essay Instructions:

hi there
im applying for a scholarship and I need to answer the four questions listed below. Note, the answer for each four questions must have exactly 150 words. The box/ space for the answer only allows 150 words, so please take care. 
here is my story and you can use some of it to answer the questions. 
I was born in a third world country in Ethiopia and moved to Eritrea after my family was deported. I grew up in Eritrea with a low-income family. My mom and dad had to work, so I took care of my sick younger brother, he had a down syndrome. The love for nursing and giving care started then, later when I was a teenager I started to volunteer at the veterans hospital as a care giver. And in my late teens, i joined the red cross and traveled to the ruler areas and witnessed so many people struggling and dying from the luck of access to health care. I reached about TB, AIDS, malaria, Polio and supplied emergency kit. But when I was 18 my family discovered my sexuality and disowned me, I faced many stigmas and struggled. So I left home and went to Uganda. During my stay there I volunteered at a youth center and learned a lot about accepting people from different walks of life regardless of their skin, sexuality, and race. im currently enrolled in a nursing school and not working. I receive financial aid to pay partially for my financial aid but I still need money for housing, food, transportation, books and others, if I receive this scholarship it will take a way a significant burden and will focus I my school. My plan when I graduate is to work with the underserved and variable. Plan to open a none profit organization back in Eritrea to help the poor and underserved. I was in their shoes not too long ago, so I understand the struggle. Also, i would like to teach nursing and recruit as many nurses. However, i want to serve here in the US as well. Florence Nightingale is one roll of my role model. And I still volunteer Eritrean Development Foundation as a youth coordinator in Seattle branch when I have time. 
1, What has motivated you to stay in school and aspire to become a nurse?
2, Explain your need for scholarship support and please include any special circumstances that you would like the selection committee to be aware of
3, Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
4, Write a personal mission statement describing your current career goals.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Scholarship Letter
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
September 13, 2017
1. What has motivated you to stay in school and aspire to become a nurse?
The greatest motivation for my desire of pursuing a nursing career is my family and the state of living that we lived in. I hail from Asmara, Eritrea, one of the small and developing countries in Eastern Africa. Among the challenges my country faces, access to healthcare has always been a recurring problem. An obstacle that we have to live with every day, especially because my brother had Down’s Syndrome. Nevertheless, just like my brother, I believe that every person should be entitled to the access of proper medical care regardless of their status society. I believe that change should come even from the smallest of ways, and this is the main reason why I deeply wanted to become a nurse and help other individuals. Since then I made myself an oath that I would do my best to help serve the underserved, hoping for the best, one small step at a time.
2. Explain your need for scholarship support and please include any special circumstances that you would like the selection committee to be aware of
I grew up in a financially unstable family, I had to study under difficult situations. Luckily, with the efforts of my parents, I was able to finish high school and enter college, but even that is not an easy route. Most of my siblings had to forgo school so that my college fees could be accommodated. Since my father left my mother in Africa, decided to have a family here in the U.S., and cut the support that he’s sending to my family, I had to work odd jobs and take overtimes from work, j...
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