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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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My Essay about My Writing

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September 12, 2017
Ever since I started taking English and writing classes when I was a kid, I’ve been tasked to write as many pages of articles than I could remember, from Short essays, to business memos, and even poems and haiku. Nonetheless, despite of the technical knowledge that I was able to gain through experience, I believe that my writing still lacks a “soul” to it. In other words, despite my proficiency in the science of writing, I still believe that I lack the art of doing it. Thus, in this course, what I want to learn is how to be a significantly better writer, by putting my thoughts, aspirations, and passion in the art of writing. Just as what Isabel Allende said, “Writing is a process, a journey into memory and the soul”, I believe that the art of writing emanates from the personality and history of an individual, and knowing how to would be my main goal.
As a writer, I believe that I have a relatively average proficiency in the technicalities of writing. More specifically, my strengths are on grammatical structure and punctuation, despite my apparent weakness in soul and content. And because of this, I was able to ace some of my previous writing tasks in technical papers but not in creative writing. In light of this, I could still remember how I wrote that technical paper. While writing it,...
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