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Outline Formatting: A Growing Nation Assignment Paper

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Outline Formatting
Outline: A Growing Nation
I. Snapshot of the Period
A. the American Renaissance; social forces that shaped America
B. Industrialism: the explorative growth in science and industry
C. Effects of population growth
1. The economic changes
2. The emergence of civil war (Buell, 2016).
II. American discovery and exploration: Steam, Steel and Spirit
A. Rebirth of classical art and learning
B. Physical and technological growth (Buell, 2016).
C. Improved transportation binding old and new states
D. The gold rush and the role of advanced technology (Buell, 2016).
E. The spirit of acquisition and pride of ownership
F. How the steel plow encouraged aggressive frontier settlement (Buell, 2016).
III. The Slow March of Democracy
* The 1828 election of Andrew Jackson
* The era of the common person: the rise of Jackson and democracy (Buell, 2016).
B. The domination of white men and slavery, how women were treated
C. The westward migration: the 1835 trial of tears, the trek from Georgia to Oklahoma (Buell, 2016)
IV. on the World Stage
A. The first decades of 1800s:
1. The War of 1812(Buell, 2016).
2. The Monroe doctrine of 1823
3. The 1830 secession conflict of Texas from Mexico (Buell, 2016).
B. The 1845 results of American, Mexican war (Buell, 2016).
V. Winds of Change
A. Impact of changes in the mid century: child labor and unsafe working conditions
B. The emergence of women’s’ rights (Buell, 2016).
C. The social divide: slavery
D. The 1861 civil war (Buell, 2016).
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