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Project Home and its Importance to Homeless People

Essay Instructions:

The final paper requires the students to present information on the agency, including the mission statement and organizational structure; to assess the agency in relation to its mission and response to its target population; to conduct self-assessment of their own roles in relation to the functions assigned to them by the agency; and finally to assess their own strengths and challenges in relation to these performed roles. Frame of refrence www(dot)projecthome(dot)org

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Home
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Project Home
Homelessness has continued to be a major challenge in the U.S. This problem started immediately after the Civil War, where jobless veterans could not secure formal housing due to the progressively more crowded urban areas. Further, more freed slaves could also not find appropriate shelter. Ever since that time, homelessness has continued to be a major problem in American cities. This has seen the rise of organizations seeking to address the issue. One of them is Project Home, which endeavors to address the root causes of homelessness.
Mission Statement
The mission statement of Project Home is “to empower adults, children, and families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, to alleviate the underlying causes of poverty, and to enable all of us to attain our fullest potential as individuals and as members of the broader society” CITATION Pro20 \l 1033 (Project HOME, 2020). In this regard, Project Home works towards creating a safe and respectful environment for all individuals. When individuals reside in such an environment, they are in a better position to attain self-actualization.
Project Home appreciates the need to approach the issue of homelessness in various ways. Through street outreach and various supporting services, Project Home has managed to make a positive impact on society. This has been facilitated by the desire to address the root causes of homelessness CITATION Pro20 \l 1033 (Project HOME, 2020). The project tackles the issue through both social and political advocacy. The organization educates people about the realities of homelessness and acts as a voice for the homeless and those in abject poverty. Through this, the organization seeks to nurture the spirit of community among different people to ensure a more compassionate society.
Organizational Structure
The success of any agency depends largely on the effectiveness of the organizational structure involved. Project Home has four levels of leadership: Executive team, board, resident advisory board, and Middleton partnership. The executive team consists of founders Sister Mary Scullion and Joan Dawson McConnon together with other nine members. The board consists of the board of trustees and board emeritus. All the trustees are independent voting apart from the president, chairperson, vice-chairperson, and treasurer. The Resident Advisory Board is made up of 14 regular members. The Resident Advisory Board is tasked with assisting Project Home to attain its vision. It also advises executive management on the implementation of the strategic plan and also ensures that all the concerns are addressed. Lastly, Project Home has partnered with Leigh and John Middleton to actualize the vision and mission. The partnership targets to end chronic homelessness in Philadelphia.
Assessment of roles
Project Home seeks to offer permanent and subsidized houses for those who are homeless. The agency has been working towards ending chronic homelessness since 2011. The ultimate aim is ensuring that homeless individuals and the poor in Philadelphia can realize their full potential as other American citizens. So far, Project Home has developed 832 units, with other 104 under construction. The ultimate goal is completing 1,088 units CITATION Pro20 \l 1033 (Project HOME, 2020). While Project ...
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