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Homicide Cases

Essay Instructions:

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

This assignment is comprised of four different parts that will show your learning of various course objectives from Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4.

You are a detective called to the scene of a homicide in an apartment building. The deceased is a young male who has been stabbed numerous times. The roommate of the deceased man is present in the room, his shirt is covered with blood, and there is a knife on the floor. Uniformed officers are guarding the doors and the roommate. There are four (4) important actions you must take; discuss each of these fully including how the actions should be taken, their importance, and consequences of not taking the actions.

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Homicide Cases
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Homicide cases
Homicide cases require a fast and strategic response from experienced detectives. Each case presents unusual suspects that exhibit similar or different characteristics. In this regard, detectives always approach every case with the same methodological approach no matter how twisted or obvious the case seems. This paper outlines the four approaches detectives employ on arrival at the scene of a homicide.
Taking Notes
The first step of action involves documenting the scenario in the murder book. After arriving at the crime scene, I will record a detailed account of the present scenario. The murder book is a special book used by detectives to keep track of all the investigations. The detective should note down the time, date, location, and case reference of the investigation. The murder book comprises forensic reports, witness statements, and crime scene photos pertinent to solving a homicide. Chronologically I will record all the small details as there is no clarity on how the case will unravel. Every detail is treated as pertinent information that may help catch the murderer.
This detailed account of the investigation serves as a memory aid as the investigation progress. For example, in court proceedings, detectives have the liberty to refer to their notebooks to refresh their memories on the events, activities at the crime scene, and the immediate response. The records can also be used as evidence in a court of law CITATION Cri20 \l 1033 (Crime Investigation, 2020). Failure to record the crime scene at first glance may derail the investigation and take the detectives a long time to solve the case. The case may take a relatively long time as the detective will not record the suspects on the scene, and the witnesses will hesitate to come forward. Lack of primary sources can lead to uncorrectable errors such as false acquisition, incarceration of the wrong individual. Recording all the details in the murder book is a pertinent step in solving a homicide crime. When investigating a murder, there is no such thing as too much or too little information.
Lockdown the crime scene
Once the detective has garnered the event, actions, and particulars of the crime scene, the next feasible step is to lock down the crime scene and halt all the building activities. While there is no clarity in their involvement in the murder, all the people within the premise become prime suspects CITATION Pre201 \l 1033 (Pressbooks, 2020). Locking down the crime scene is essential as the perpetrator may still be in the vicinity. Afterward, we will escort all the people to a location distant from the crime scene to avoid further contamination. Once everyone is out of the building, I will set up a physical barrier using red tape to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the building.
Establish a crime scene perimeter
In every homicide case, there is a need to establish a crime scene perimeter to reduce third parties' access. In this scenario, the perimeter will be defined by the surfaces with bloodstains. At the same time, I will consider the victims' timeline, activities leading t...
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