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A Home Invasion Burglary

Essay Instructions:

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

This assignment is comprised of four different parts that will show your learning of various course objectives from Lessons 5, 6, 7, and 8.

A home invasion burglary has been reported to you in which a juvenile female was raped. The victim has been taken to the hospital. The suspect was caught running from the scene and attempting to get into his car. A running computer and drugs are visible on the front seat of the car. There are four (4) important actions you must take; discuss each of these fully including how the actions should be taken, their importance, and consequences of not taking the actions.

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A home Invasion Burglary
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A Home Invasion Burglary
Actions taken from the time a crime is reported to the final investigation can help determine the perpetrators of crime and put them behind bars. These actions can play a pivotal role in resolving a case. Thorough investigation is central to ensure any evidence in the crime scene is not tainted or potential witness overlooked (Miller, 2013). In a certain scenario, a home invasion burglary has been reported in which a juvenile female was raped. The victim has been taken to hospital, but the suspect was caught running from the scene and attempting to get into his car. A running computer and drugs are visible on the front seat of the car. In this scenario, the first responders, particularly the police, can take four important actions to solve the case.
The first action is to immediately rush to the crime scene with other officers. Upon arrival, the police must assess the area and treat the site as a crime scene. They must then protect the crime scene for investigation. They can do this by keeping people out of the area or limiting the number of people entering the scene to prevent contamination of physical evidence. Any movement of such individuals should be controlled. Controlling movements at the scene and limiting the number of people who enter the area helps in maintaining the integrity of the crime scene, protecting the evidence, and minimizing contamination (Reno, et al., 2016).
While protecting the scene, the police must cautiously enter the vicinity. They should remain observant of any object, person, and environmental condition. They must also identify any person or vehicle that could be connected to the crime. To do so, they must keenly observe the area, paying attention to any sound, smell, or look to evaluate the scene and ensure safety before proceeding. Most importantly, they must assume that crime is ongoing until everything is clear and the site is secure. There could be chances that the burglars could be still within the vicinity, so, it is important to proceed with caution.
The second action is to take the suspect to custody. In the scenario, the suspect was caught running from the scene and attempting to get into his car. The officers must take this suspect to custody for questioning. The suspect should remain in custody until the investigation is concluded. Anything in possession of the suspect should also be secured. His car, a computer and drugs should all be secured since they qualify to be physical evidence found at the crime scene.
The third action is to collect and preserve physical evidence at the crime scene for analysis. The first evidence to be collected should be the suspect’s car, computer and drugs. At the crime scene, the investigators should collect the blood samples and finger prints present at the scene for scientific examination. The officers should also inform the forensic investigation team and medical personnel to collect biological evidence such as semen, vaginal secretions, blood, saliva, and epithelial cells and present them to crime lab for analysis. The evidence should be compared to the reference samples collected from the suspect and the victim to determine whether sexual contact occurred at the scene.
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