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Productivity Of Tesla's Main Problems Brought Forward Model 3

Essay Instructions:

The low productivity of Tesla's main problems caused production vehicles to fail to teach customers in time, and customers often received the car after they had paid the deposit in a few years. (Need to find some data to prove this argument)

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When Tesla brought forward Model 3, a new question emerged: whether the company would be able to meet customers’ demands or requirements or not? This question was asked a number of times during calls with industry analysts. Finally, Tesla decided to give the answer to this question. First of all, the company shared its full financial results for 2018. Then it gave reasons for why some of the vehicles in the past could not be delivered to customers on time.
As compared to the industry leaders and some of the centuries-old carmakers that are dominating the automobile industry with their gas-guzzling giants, Tesla seems to be a fresh breath of the future. The company had presented plenty of engineering cars (both autonomous and electric) that featured forward-thinking technologies like mega batteries. These mega batteries were able to store a lot of solar energy, and consumers soon began showing an interest in such vehicles. However, with time, the quality could not remain the same. Tesla increased the prices of certain models and the worst is the company failed to ship thousands of cars on time. A wave began on social media when plenty of people turned to Facebook and Twitter to share their opinions or comments regarding what Tesla was doing.
CEO Elon Musk is good at comparing Tesla with top automobile brands, but when it comes to delivering orders on time or to guiding customers about how to drive safely on ...
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