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The servant leadership model

Essay Instructions:

One model of leadership being adopted by many organizations, disciplines, and vocations is servant leadership. Describe this model. Identify two reasons why these groups are adopting this model. (2 references)

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Model of Leadership Students Name Institutional Affiliation The servant leadership model is a kind of leadership style whereby the main purpose of the leader is to lead the people while the servants know that they have an obligation to obey the leader. The method is different from other leadership models which focus on the achievement of the organizational goals. Rather, a servant leader makes the needs of the people that they lead a priority in order to ensure that they produce their full potential (AANC., 2014). The customer service associates are a priority whereby the leader strives to serve the people instead of the people serving the leader. This kind of model is important in the growth of the organization because when the leader serves the people well, they get motivated to work towards the achievement of the organizational goals. In addition, different scales have been implemented in the organizations that use the servant leadership model to ensure that the leaders observe all the work ethics while serving the people. In the case whereby the ...
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