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Letter to Ed Sheeran from a Music Composer

Essay Instructions:

Option 4: Letter Writing
Imagine that you are one of the composers from class, and write a 4-5 page letter to another composer of your choosing. Beethoven writes a letter to Palestrina? To Bruno Mars? Be as creative as you like, but make sure that you are writing from the perspective of the composer. You will hand this in when the final projects are due.
If you have the sources, please cited. Otherwise just dont need the sources just follow the instruction by the professor.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dear Mr. Sheeran,
Good day to you, sir.
My name is Ludwig van Beethoven. I have been listening to the music you create and I must say that I am impressed. Your note patterns are simple but catchy. I also admire the lyrics of your songs.
Although we are both musicians, our styles are completely different. I mostly wrote symphonies and concertos. Another thing where we differ is on the instruments we usually play. You are most known for playing the guitar, whereas I play the piano. Our styles of composing music are different as well. When I compose music, I rarely think about creating chords. I am more focused on the notes that are being played for the piece of music. I tried to innovate and do something different from those who came before me.
My life is quite interesting, to put it mildly. Well, let’s start at the beginning.
I was born in Bonn, in what is now Germany. But back then it was still called the Holy Roman Empire. My father discovered my musical talents early on. He was my first music teacher. But after a while, I had other teachers as well. I was taught how to play the keyboard, the violin, and the viola. This training regimen was hard. I often cried during these training sessions. And remember, I was just five years old when all of this began. My father even tried to promote me as a child prodigy. I did my first public performance when I was seven (although my father claimed that I was only six).
When I was around nine years old, I began to study under the Court’s Organist of the time, Christian Gottlob Neefe. He taught me how to compose music. After a while, I published my first composition. I gained the attention of Elector Maximillian Freidrich for dedicating my first three piano sonatas to him. You may not know who these people are but think of it like this: You write a song that you dedicate directly to the leader of your country—the Queen—and they love the song so much!
I went to Vienna to study under Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I’m certain you’ve heard of him. A few years later, I returned to city. But it was a bit of a sad return because I recently lost my father and Mozart has also passed on. In Vienna, I studied under another great composer of the time: Joseph Haydn. Have you heard of him? Have you listened to some of his music? I made sure that my time here was not wasted. I pushed the boundaries of music and tried to achieve greater heights than before. I composed two symphonies and several piano concertos during this time. I also taught music to some prominent families at the time. I was rubbing shoulders with royalty and nobles—all before I was even forty!
The hardest part of my life was when my hearing slowly deteriorated. This has been happening since 1798. At there was no sign that it w...
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