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Analysis of Hulu Has Live Sports Advert Featuring Damian Lillard

Essay Instructions:

this is my assignment. The ad i chose was "HULU HAS LIVE SPORTS" featuring Damian Lillard.

Assignment Description:

You will choose an advertisement (it can be either a commercial or a magazine ad, but it must have a visual component). You will address what the advertisement says, what it does, and its target audience. You will also use the rhetorical tools we discuss in class and those from our readings to discuss the ad’s rhetorical moves, its effectiveness, etc. (You may be able to mention if the ad can be considered offensive by a certain group).

Your essay should make a claim about this advertisement and support it with evidence from the advertisement and the outside world.

Definition of Advertisement:

I will leave the definition of “advertisement” up to you. Aside from the obvious advertisements, political ads and movie trailers are advertisements. Many different styles of YouTube videos, one might argue, are advertising the YouTuber (trying to get new viewers to subscribe), etc.

You can be creative in this assignment, looking at a past, present or future development that mattered, matters or will matter to you.

Definition of Analysis:

To analyze a text means to closely examine both what the text says and how it says it. Your goal in analyzing any text is to demonstrate how a text achieves its effects (logos, ethos, and pathos), how successfully it achieves those effects, and what it means. Advertisers are not innocent: they want to persuade. In this analysis, you will acknowledge that rhetorical purpose and dissect the argument.

Applying Analysis to an Advertisement:

For this assignment, you will practice the skill of “close reading,” where you consider a text by breaking it into smaller parts. You will need to determine both what the text says and what the text does. This is much easier to do once the text is dissected into its parts (introduction, transition, body, conclusion, etc.). For a non-written text (image, advertisement, video clip), we have to instead look at the composition and rhetorical moves the pictures make.

Intended Audience:

An advertising agency. You are a consultant, and they have asked for your feedback on some advertisement/”text” they are thinking of releasing soon.


This paper must be no more or less than 3-5 pages, typed (Times New Roman, 12pt. Font), and double-spaced. Please use 1’’ margins on all sides of the page, and include your last name and a page number in the header of all pages.

Source Citation:

You are not required to conduct any secondary research for this assignment. However, any secondary sources you consult must be cited, both in the text and on your Works Cited page. The text you analyze must be cited thoroughly and correctly, regardless of whether you perform any outside research. You must also include a proper MLA Works Cited page for the text you analyze.

Steps to writing an ad analysis:

1. Ad Selection: You will begin by selecting an advertisement.

2. Summarization: Next you will summarize the advertisement. Assume I have not seen the advertisement.

Summarizing is an art. You want to ensure that you convey the entire argument, not merely part of the

argument. At the same time, you want to provide enough detail to present a cogent articulation of the

advertisement. However, you should avoid too many details. You will have to decide what information is

necessary for you to present the advertisement’s argument, without becoming tedious. Remember, the

summary should not form the bulk of your essay; the summary is one component of your essay.

3. Analysis, Part 1: The bulk of your essay should be analysis, which consists of two parts. The first part of your

analysis is to consider how the advertisers make their argument. You will make the rhetorical situation the

focus of this section of the essay. The rhetorical situation is composed of purpose, audience, genre, and

stance. In this section you should explain how each of these components affect how the advertisement is


4. Analysis, Part 2: The second part of the analysis is your judgment of the effectiveness of the advertisement:

does it persuade? Why or why not? This judgment should be mentioned in the thesis that drives the essay.

That is to say, your thesis should encapsulate your analysis of the advertisement, both the “how” and the

“how well.” You do not have to devote equal time to each part of the analysis section of this essay, but insure

both parts are present and fully developed

5. Draft

6. Polish—feedback, editing, proofreading, publish, and evaluate your work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of Hulu Has Live Sports Advert Featuring Damian Lillard
Hulu Has Live Sports is an ad made by Hulu to showcase the livestreaming services offered by the company. In the ad, professional basketball player Damian Lillard is seated on the parlor waiting to have his tattoo ‘Hulu Has Live Sports’ pinned to his hand. The tattoo artist asks Damian whether he is really sure he wants to have the ‘Hulu Has Live Sports’ advert on his hand. Damian tells him that it is in accordance with the contract he had signed with the Hulu company. Damian is so happy about the idea and suggests that the tattoo should be designed in such a way that ‘Hulu Has Live Sports’ words should appear to be coming from a dragon’s mouth. Unfortunately, the contractor rejects the idea and says there are no dragons or mouths. The contractor also says it should not be so large. It is at this point that the tattoo artist becomes curious and asks him how much they will be paying him. Damian smiles and he’s happy that he will get paid for sitting at a press conference covered with Hulu apparels and dollars are flowing from the top.
The purpose of this advert is to encourage people to sign up for Hulu live sports streaming services. The advert has also used Damian who is a popular American basketball player to remind the sports enthusiasts that Hulu has catered for their needs by providing them with a live sports streaming service. The tattoo artist has also been used to represent the fans who are filled with curiosity on why Damian would get Hulu tattoo. Through endorsement appeal, the various techniques used in the advert are based on the main idea that Hulu has live sports. At the end of the advert music has also been used to convey the message. The music says, ‘Give them money’ as Damiano reminds the audience that Hulu has live sports. The green brand color of Hulu has also presented in the advert. When Damiano is having the press conference, most of the items such as the microphone, water bottle, the ball and the basketball t-shirt are all green to show the brand. This reinforces the message and informs people about the company brand.
Hulu Has Live Sports advert is effective in reminding the audience about the services offered by...
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