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The Problem of Air Pollution in the United States

Essay Instructions:

You just write a letter to the US government or New York city government about issue that important to deal with or what kind of problem the government need to make change on. 2 paragraph, first talk about background of the issue, second paragraph talk about what should be done and explain your opinion.

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Air Pollution Letter
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The problem of air pollution in the United States has taken a severe form in recent years. In the early 17th century, coal mining came into being and various sources of air pollution we see today track their history back from that time. A large number of harmful chemicals and biological materials are added to the air, creating discomfort for human beings and other living organisms and damaging the natural environment to an extent. Ever since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in America, a lot of pollutants have been added to the air. Gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen and others are disturbing the overall atmosphere and causing various health problems such as asthma, lung failure, and others. The two core reasons for air pollution are technological innovations and e...
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