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What Does it Mean to be "Haunted" by Something?

Essay Instructions:

write an essay on the theme of haunting that plays an important part in “Names” (three full pages).  What does it mean to be "haunted" by something?  Ghosts and other paranormal encounters have many explanations, some religious or metaphysical, some psychological, some even scientific.  We can be "haunted" by memories, by landscapes, by ambitions or challenges, by stories, by questions, by loss.  These are, of course, metaphorical rather than literal meanings of haunting, which is what we will be exploring in this essay assignment.  I would like you to write what is called a definitional argument, which is a fancy way of saying that you are to write an essay explaining a definition of your own.  In this case, I would like you to define what it means "to be haunted."  You can use a simple sentence like "To be haunted means..." if you would like.  It would be a good idea to make your definition explicit in one way or another to help your reader understand how it connects to your story.
Please support your abstract idea about the meaning of "haunting" by telling at least one concrete story that will help your reader to see what you mean.  This story could be of something that metaphorically "haunted" you or someone you know.  You should also use an example from "Names" or another story that will help us to understand your definition.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Haunting: A Definitional Argument
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
There are only two types of people: those who are haunted, and those who do not know that they are haunted. The good news is that even those who are oblivious of their being haunted will eventually cross over and wallow in the company of their ilk. This definitional argument seeks to explain the meaning of being “haunted” from a personal perspective and by drawing examples from “Names.” From a metaphorical angle, to be haunted means the consequences that befall an individual after failing to embrace an opportunity that presented itself in an unfamiliar form.
Nothing is as dreadful to mankind as fear of the unknown; it drives man to the edge to attempt to unravel the secrets of life, death, and other abstract phenomena. Consequently, humans have developed an inquisitive nature as well as the drive to explore, and they have adapted for the special function. For example, when an individual encounters something strange, the first thing the mind does “is try to make it into something” familiar, even if it means ignoring the fine details that distinguish the new encounter (“Names”, n.d., p. 63). Also, somehow, the challenges that people experience are matched with their inner abilities. For example, Eli’sasid, the Sewn One, appeared only to Andy’s father because he had the loving heart and bravery that was needed to save Celia (p. 64). These concerted efforts are justifiable; the price of ignorance and cowardice is too high that it takes decades to reconcile, and sometimes a lifetime of regrets – haunting.
A person must not be utterly evil to be haunted; one cowardly act is enough to earn lifetime membership. Andrew’s father was arguably a good person. As a teenager, he was hardworking, patient, and caring – he befriended the head cook, Dutchie, and frequented his home, carrying presents for his daughter, Celia, each time. However, when he had a vision into the future, in the strange form of Amalegne’j, aka the Sheeted One, he panicked and spurned it without a second thought, thus opening a floodgate of costly consequences.
The father would be haunted for the rest of his life because of one misstep. First, a day after the incidence, Celia died. A...
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