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Writing Assignment: The Real Reason People Wont Change

Essay Instructions:

Read the article in the pdf entitled (page 119) the real reason people wont change. How are the concepts of the five 5 fears outlined in the powerpoint similar and different. choose one similarity and one difference to craft your answer.

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The Real Reason People Won’t Change
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The Real Reason People Won’t Change
How are the concepts of the five fears outlined in the PowerPoint similar and different? Choose one similarity and one difference to craft your answer.
Looking at the two texts, there is indeed an obvious similarity and a not so obvious difference in the five fears that are outlined in the PowerPoint. From the PowerPoint, one gathers that people fear change because of a lot of things including the fear of loss of control, challenge to competence, fear of adapting to something different, fear of loss, and fear of uncertainty. Well, from the other reading, some of the above are captured albeit not directly, and this appears to be the similarity between the two articles.
From the Kotter’s 2011 book, employees resist change because they fear “a shift in power, the need to learn new skills, and the stress of having to join a new team.” These reasons directly coincide with some of the reasons outlined in the PowerPoint document. Well, the truth as indicated by Kotter is that people fear to join new teams and this is mainly because they are afraid of having their competence challenged. These two points are indeed similar and help to join the two articles.
When a person joins a new team, they are thrown into a new territory which will be uncomfortable and filled with uncertainty. A new environment and new faces present employees with different challenges as many do not know how to approach their new environment and what barriers they should not break. A new team means l...
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