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Benefits of Studying Chemistry

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According to G. Kenneth Barker, chemistry is not only the study of compounds (atoms, molecules, and elements) but also the study of life. It can be closely related to molecular genetics, metabolism and protein science; it focuses on understanding how different biological molecules give rise to important processes of life (Barker 1280). With the passage of time, scientists have understood the role of chemistry in life and have been able to divide it into different branches and sub-branches. When it comes to talking about the chemistry of life, we can find its applications in almost all walks of life. From the living things we see around us to the cells and organelles we study in the lab, chemistry is involved in nearly everything, in every form.
As is mentioned in Kenneth Barker’s article, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the water we drink, the medicines, cleansers, air and everything else has chemistry in it in one way or the other. No doubt, Why Do I Have to Study Chemistry is a useful text for those who want to major in chemistry but have many doubts in their minds (Barker 1282). This article looks interesting to me as it provides enough details regarding how life would be without the involvement of chemistry. The fact is that the study of geology, physics, environmental science, and biology is incomplete until or unless we do not talk about chemistry.
First of all, chemistry helps us identify ourselves. The air we breathe in, the food and water we depend on for our survival, and our own bodies have a lot of chemistry in them. For example, di...
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