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Analysis Assignment Listening Task: Safety on the Job

Essay Instructions:

it is an evaluating task

first analysis based on Ellis 2003 by using citation this the book link https://books(dot)google(dot)ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=coO0bxnBeRgC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=Ellis,+R.+(2003).+Task-based+language+learning+and+teaching.+Oxford:+Oxford+University+Press.&ots=sWx001rzs-&sig=YZ-0KmSRiXsujfFMZLQDka3Dk38#v=onepage&q=Ellis%2C%20R.%20(2003).%20Task-based%20language%20learning%20and%20teaching.%20Oxford%3A%20Oxford%20University%20Press.&f=false

the information from page 9 to page 15

then adapt willis and willis framework i will send the book in the pdf file look at these pages could be helpful 14 to 18

the framework there is an example given to you which starts from page 153 to 173

framework is




Apa is required

i tried to uploud this book Willis, D., & Willis, J. (2007). Doing task-based teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. but it could not it does not allow to me to do it

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Task Analysis Assignment
Institutional Affiliation
Task Analysis Assignment
Ellis (2003) defines a task as any activity that requires learners to use language through emphasis on meaning to attain an objective. Willis (n.d.) refines this definition by explaining that it is any goal-oriented activity in which learners use language to achieve a real outcome. The learning activity can take the form of solving puzzles, playing a game, comparing life experiences, telling jokes, or even taking turns in conversations. Ellis (2003) lists four criterial features of identifying a task. This paper uses Ellis’ criterial features of a task to analyze the provided “Sample Lesson Plan-LINC 3 Planning” (n.d.). The paper evaluates whether the lesson plan meets the criteria of a task, provided a recommendation for improvement, and then concludes by adapting Willis & Willis (1996) framework to the lesson plan.
Warm-up: Workplace Safety Vocabulary
This is a task. It relies on Ellis criteria of a task. The instructor asks learners to create a list of vocabularies relating to safety in workplaces using the provided handout. The instructor then asks learners to compare their lists and to complete it using the one provided on the board. The resources are provided to learners, and they are exposed to comprehension questions. The focus is on resources, meaning, and outcome. Ellis (2003) specifies that the task should use resources (linguistic and non-linguistic) to achieve the desired outcome. The desired outcome in this task is to equip learners with vocabularies as well as teaching them on maintaining workplace safety. The language is only a means of achieving the outcome, and not as an end on its own (Ellis, 2003).
Listening Task: Safety on the Job
This is a task and not an activity. It follows Ellis criteria of focus on meaning. This is due to the fact that the task requires that learners encode and decode messages from what they have heard. It also relies on learner’s linguistic resources, because learners have already developed a language that can be used to perform the task. In the class, the teacher asks learners to listen to dialogue on the handout and respond to comprehension questions. This is not an activity.
Speaking Task: Safety in the Workplace
The instructor divides learners in smaller groups and asks them describe safety violations on a handout with pictures. The instructor compiles the list on the board and asks learners to report their findings. This task meets Ellis’ criterion for a task. The focus is on the meaning, outcome, and “gap” where learners are to express their understanding and infer a meaning. This is a task and not a mere class activity.
Grammar Task: Past Continuous
This task meets Ellis (2003) criterion for a task. The instructor is determined to teach the meaning to the learners, and this is why he introduces the past continuous and explains. He then goes ahead to challenge the cognitive ability of the learners by asking them to turn their pictures and try to recall as many details from the picture as possible. This is a focus on the meaning as it seeks to encourage learners to encode and decode a meaning from the picture. The expected outcome from the picture is that the learner will develop new vocabulary and understand workplace safety vocabulary. This is a task and not a class activity.
Reading Task: Marta’s Story
Ellis (2003, p. 9) explains that a task can take a form of a work plan. This task has followed the criterion by specifying the activities that will take place in each step. The instructor engages learners in pre-reading activities before introducing the story. The task involves a primary focus on meaning. The goal is to enable learners to use a language programmatically rather than displaying the language. This task meets Ellis (2003) criterion for a task. Students rely on their own resources to complete the task and they are also exposed to comprehension questions to enhance the meaning of what they are learning. There is also a “gap” that requires learners to keep their opinion of what Marta should do. This task has been fully elaborate...
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