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3D printing. What did you learn about the topic in general?

Essay Instructions:

view this website and answer the following question:

1. What did you learn about the topic in general?

2. How is that topic applicable in the construction industry?

3. What is the most interesting thing that you learnt about the topic?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

3D Printing
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3D Printing
Question 1
I learned several things about the topic. First, 3D printing is an additive process used to create three-dimensional layers from a 3-D file, followed by the creation of successive layers of a particular material until the object is completed. I learned several things from the topic. Second, I realized that there are several industrial applications for 3D printing. These applications help create models in different fields and are capable of completing a project using different materials.
Question 2
There are several applications of 3D technology in the construction sector. First, it is used to create or design components to print a whole building. It is also a flexible approach to designing. Many building design...
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