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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Pottery. Motivational Song. Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

need a song need a song to conveys the message it′s okay to treat yourself emphasis how not to neglect yourself the treat my self here is an example on my life, took time on my mind, been

'Cause I lost myself, I forgot myself, found what was missing learned to treat my myself with kindness I will go shopping with my friends and buy a car "it needs to be written it the scope of treating you yourself

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Motivational Song
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It’s okay to treat myself rightly…
The past cannot be changed…
I cannot help them back…
Who have passed away…
It’s okay to treat myself politely…
I now want to change everything…
Not for those who have left this world…
But for those who are still with me…
My friends and my family…
It’s okay to treat myself nicely…
I will now change myself…
I will now forget the past…
I will now move on with my beloveds…
I may go shopping with friends…
To have some fun together…
To forget what I have left in the past…
To bring positivity to my life…
To make my friends and family feel relaxed…
As they are worried about me…
As they are concerned for me…
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