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CJS 6125 Discussion Week 1-5 Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Answer Questions week 1-5

Each week should be separated and have its own 3 references below it.

IE: WEEK 1 Question and answers


WEEK 2 Question and answers


Each weeks question and answers should be between 250-300 words

Week 1 

  1. What do you consider as the top 3 national security threats to the United States? Are any of these existential (a threat to survival)?

  2. The US has a range of national power through DIME (Diplomacy, Information, Military and Economics) and the interagency process. Is military force at the forefront of our national power due to our technology and capabilities, and should it be the force of choice? Cite an example when the military was use when other elements may have been more effective

  3. Define and cite an example of a current “vital US interest.” Indicate in your answer why a military response would be more effective than other elements of national power.

Week 2  

  1. Without advocating for the existence of nuclear weapons, has their presence by (Russia and the US) made the world more or less safe? (Assume for your answer that we cannot “turn back time” and remove the technology from the inventory)

  2. What caused the fall of the Soviet Union? Was it Kennan’s “containment policy”, NSDD-75’s economic pressure or President Gorbachev’s relationship with President Reagan? Is there another reason(s)?

  3. What are the consequences of globalization for national security? Have non-state actors taken the place of sovereigns in a prioritized threat assessment?

Week 3

  1. How should the US reduce its budget deficit? Raising taxes reduces consumer spending; cutting entitlements hurts lower income citizens and cutting defense spending results in greater assumption of risk. Include in your choice possible second order effects and how you would mitigate their impact.

  2. Identify the national security pros and cons of globalization. Do you agree that countries with trade relationships are less likely to engage in conflict? If you agree with globalization, how do you answer the critics that the US will lose a market share (and jobs) based upon the competitive advantage of other nations?

  3. Are current US force levels “heavy” or Special Operations intensive? Is there a balance of these or should the US concentrate on one or the other, and why?





Week 4

  1. Were the 9-11 attacks reasonably foreseeable given the 1993 Manhattan bombings, the attacks against the embassies and the attack against the USS Cole (DDG-67)? What factors as analysts would you be looking for to determine a trend?

  2. We have discussed 3 military strategists so far; Clausewitz who believes that "war is a continuation of politics by other means" and that war is a violent clash-the emphasis is on the fighting, Sun Tzu, who believed that the intent of a commander should be to win without fighting and now Mao Xedong, who believed it was necessary to retreat/defend, engage in a stalemate and then attack in a conventional manner against supply lines. You are a national security analyst in 2017, which strategy do you prefer and why?

  3. Identify 3 general challenges in the transition to civil authority, and briefly give policy recommendations on how to address them.  

Week 5

 1. Is illegal immigration a national security concern? Tell me why and what your recommendations are to resolve it? If it is not a national security concern, but a local law enforcement issue, how can the police resolve this?  

2.  Should the US be concerned about global warming or is this a natural occurrence? Is global warming a national security issue or should we leave it to the scientists? If you believe it is something the US should be concerned about, how should we react?  

3.   I referenced 4 schools of thought in my concluding remarks; rational actor, organizational process, palace politics and cognitive process. Is there a particular school or school(s) of thought you subscribe to and why? What school of thought do you see being used in Washington?


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National Security Discussion Questions
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National Security Discussion Questions
Week 1
Answer 1
The top three national security threats to the US include the financial and economic destabilization from the emerging Chinese economy, Category 5 hurricane massive cyber attack and the last is the threat of division within the country. Though none of these is severe enough that the country may have a risk of survival, still the impact of these can be massive for the country (Giaritelli, 2018). The emerging power of China is alarming for the US. The security threats of cyber attacks can ruin the information and data about the economy. The conflicts between the residents of America can be a reason for the downfall of the state.
Answer 2
The four highlighted element of national power of the US is equally important for the consideration at the forefront. However, in the present era, the effect of terrorism has influenced the economy to a great extent. Therefore, in order to cope up with this issue of terrorism and giving the high pointed face of the economy to the rest of the world, the government should use military among DIME as the force of choice for the country (Atlantic Council, 2014). Similarly, after the 9/11 attacks, the military force was the option which acted well and keeps the morale high in the global context.
Answer 3
The vital interests of the economy may include the events or the happenings in the global context, which can individually affect the particular economy. There is a list of such happenings around the corner of the world, which can affect the development patterns of the economy of USA. However, the mainstream is considered as the actions against Syria (Nuechterlein, 2018). Most of the critics have an opinion that Syria is the most vital US interest at present due to two potential reasons. One reason is to prevent the extent of relationships between the Iran and Saudi governments, which is ultimately establishing the economy of Tehran as the leader in the Middle East. The other might be the security of Israel.
Giaritelli, A. (2018). Brace yourself: Here are the top five national security threats to America.
Retrieved from /news/brace-yourself-here-are-the-top-five-national-security-threats-to-america
Atlantic Council. (2014). All Elements of National Power: Moving Toward a New Interagency
Balance for US Global Engagement. Retrieved from
NUECHTERLEIN, D. (2018). Is Syria a Vital U.S. Interest? Like JFK and Bush, Trump faces a hard choice. Retrieved from
Week 2
Answer 1
The economies of Russia and USA are present at the current power position based on the inventories of technology advancements and the nuclear powers. The reverting back on the timeline can prove itself that these economies may not gain this position without these forces (Marcus, 2017). These are the powers, which can enhance or ruin the economy at any time. The example of China is very much clear which is emerging as the new superpower against these economies of USA and Russia. The basics of any economic superpower are the two highlighted forces, which can provide the upper edge as compare to the other countries.
Answer 2
The president Gorbachev introduced two innovative sets of policies for the countries of the Soviet Union, which were the high point of the fall of the power. The first policy was glasnost, which refers towards the political openness in public. This policy eliminated the previous oppression. For the first time in history, the entry to general elections was made relaxed as ever before. The second reforming policy was perestroika, which refers to the economic restructuring (History, 2019). He made the decisions about the independence of government institutes and thus the private sectors are strengthened. These decisions did not prove to be fruitful for the economy as planned by the president, and thus the state falls down.
Answer 3
The globalization is a concept which originated after World War I among the economies, and it does not get slower. Rather the growth and development in this regard are quite faster as compare to other aspects. The globalization refers to the merging of different economies for one economic growth purpose (Daily Star, 2015). The consequences of globalization on national security are quite considerable for any economy. The reason behind this perspective is that globalization not only affects the economy, but it also put its influence upon the cultural norms and values of the people. Therefore, the security or the protection of one’s culture is risky.
Marcus, J. (2017). How much of a threat does Russia pose, and to whom? Retrieved from
History. (2019). Fall of Soviet Union. Retrieved from /topics/cold-war/fall-of-soviet-union
Daily Star. (2015). Globalization vs. National Security. Retrieved from
Week 3
Answer 1
The fiscal policy of any economy is the point where the citizens put their opinion as per their thought patterns. Everyone wants to add value, however; no one wants to have any shortfall. The tax raising or spending cuts are the two most common techni...
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