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Antiterrorist Initiatives

Essay Instructions:

Instructions and an example is attached. I would like the topic to be Military.


  • Assignment # 2: 250-word overview on paper topic

    • 10% of Course Grade (Due week 2 on Sunday January 20, 2019 @ 11:59 PM EST)

  • CO3: Clearly and concisely create a variety of professionally written products.

    • This assignment requires you to prepare a 250-word response which indicates the overall topic you would like to write the final paper on.

  • The approximate word limitation is designed to refine your ability to write clearly and concisely.

  • The specific topic remains your choice, subject to my general concurrence. Areas which are not acceptable include:


  • Domestic law enforcement challenges


  • Homeland security issues

  • Your Assignment MUST Include the following:






  • Format:
  • Arial font, size 12 text

  • A statement specifically indicating the area you want to write on;

  • Why this is relevant to U.S. national security?

  • Where you believe your research will come from; is it quantitative, qualitative or mixed?

  • Any challenges or issues you anticipate in research and/or writing? 

  • Possible topics:

  • North Korean nuclear efforts

  • Iranian nuclear efforts

  • China’s efforts in the South China Sea

  • Russian exterritorial aggression

  • Russian use of cyber

  • Arctic warming  

  • Transnational criminal organizations

  • US interests in Syria

  • Possible resources: (individual or combined)

  • Diplomacy

  • Information

  • Military

  • Economic sanctions and incentives

  • Financial sanctions and incentives

  • Intelligence

  • Law Enforcement

  • Single spaced.
  • 1” margins
  • APA format on any references
  • Please have your name (last, first) and subject in the upper left corner.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name. Antiterrorist Initiatives
In my research, I realized that terrorism has become one of the major criminal activities practiced by most criminal groups around the world. My research also reveals that most criminal activities are triggered by an increase in communication technology that have eased the dissemination of criminal information across the world (Wolf, 1989). The increase in terrorism has led to a proliferation in many unhealthy practices, guilt, and loss of life among individuals ((Lynch, McGarrity, & Williams, 2015). Also, the terrorist acts have been necessitated by an increase in armament supplies that have provided a suitable ground for the criminals to combat national forces trying to curb their activities. Consequently, this has presented a great challenge in the military sector of most nations around the world.
I will use qualitative analysis to analyze the efforts that have been taken by various concerned groups towards combating terror activities. In the quest to curb the terrorist activities, several countries have managed to invest in manufacturing or purchasing weapons that are needed in any military conquest (Beckman, 2016). Most of the developed countries such as the U.S have managed to disarm majority of nations that have been trying to manufacture their own deadly weapons. One of the deadliest weapons that have been of great threat is nuclear weapon, which should not be posed by any country apart from the super-power country.
Lastly, I found apart from roles played by UN and the U.S, t...
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