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Models for Understanding the Etiology of Psychological Problems

Essay Instructions:

What do you feel are the problems associated with using a medical/biological model to understand the etiology of most psychological problems? What model do you believe is more relevant? Why?

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Models for Understanding the Etiology of Psychological Problems
Models for Understanding the Etiology of Psychological Problems
Recent developments in the treatment of mental related health disorders have embraced the use of biological models to understand the development and progression of psychological disorders. The medical method has provided solutions and insights that previous models did not. Despite the success that the medical world has experienced from the application of the approach, the model has exhibited its challenges. The problems are what have pushed some medical experts to declare that the method is unsuitable and that other possibilities require consideration. The essay explores problems associated with the biological method and proposes an appropriate model that would address the issues.
The biological approach has a different approach to mental disorders. According to the approach, disorders related to mental issues and substance abuse are diseases of the brain with biological bases (Deacon, 2013). The focus of the model is to research the mental disease to study nature regarding biological causative agents. Research into treatment options aims at developing therapies that address biological dysfunctions. The dysfunctions could be the underlying causative agent. If the endeavor is successful, medical practitioners can then develop therapies that target the specific disease progression without causing the patient harm. The developments are what led to the introduction of psychotropic prescriptions. There are five problems associated with the model (Deacon, 2013). First, the use of neuroscience has failed to establish any particular biological source of psychiatric diseases. There is not a single marker, or molecular target, that produces enough sensitivity to sustain a diagnosis of mental disorders...
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