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CJS 6125 Op Ed Terror in the 21st Century. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

  • Assignment # 3: Opinion/Editorial paper. This is your opportunity to explore the art of “persuasive writing.” This also allows you to distinguish your opinion from evidence.

    • 5% of Course Grade (Due week 3 on Sunday January 27, 2019 @ 11:59 PM EST)

  • CO1: Effectively and ethically research and objectively evaluate a complex issue

  • CO2: Holistically analyze a complex issue through various methods, resulting in an actionable recommendation.

  • CO3: Clearly and concisely create a variety of professionally written products.

    • This assignment requires you to prepare a one-page op/ed piece.



  • The assignment requires you to set forth your opinion, on your topic, together with evidence in support


  • The format is one page, 3 columns (word, layout, columns, 3)








  • Your Assignment MUST Include the following:

  • Your opinion on the nature of the issue, challenge or threat;

  • Why this is of importance to the U.S.

  • What, in general, are alternatives we should consider

  • What, in general, are the resources which we would need

  • What, in general, should the U.S. (at the federal level) do, and in particular, which agency or agencies?

  • Common concerns:

  • Not using the format-please keep this single spaced, one page, 3 column format;

  • Having a recommendation which is not feasible, or realistic (consider budget issues)

  • You may embed references, or if you use an exact quote, add them on a separate page, which does not count against your page count.


  • Format:

  • One page in length, properly formatted.

  • Arial font, size 12 text

  • Single spaced, 3 columns

  • 1” margins

  • APA format on any references

  • Please have your name (last, first) and subject in the upper left corner header.








1 Page Opinion Editorial (Op Ed) Paper


There is a 1-page Op Ed paper due as part of the course. This paper is single spaced, in 12 Arial font with 1-inch margins. The purpose is to provide you with an opportunity to write persuasively, and present your personal opinion on your thesis paper topic. I have an example for your review.



  • Provide the student with experience in writing an Op Ed piece to express a personal opinion to a media outlet;

  • Recognize that is difficult to write in a limited manner

  • Distinguish the different style of writing from an issue-based point or research paper and an opinion based “letter to the editor”; and

  • Help distinguish fact from opinion in the course research paper



Opinion Editorial

Minimum-. 1.5 points

Acceptable-.2 points

Above Average 2.5 points




Student has a basic understanding of the issue(s) and a fundamental grasp of the readings and world events resulting in an ability to constructively convey a message

Student has a working knowledge of the issues and a detailed understanding of the readings and world events allowing for a well written letter


Student has a detailed knowledge of the issues and can critically assess rational problem-solving alternatives.



Critical Thought

Student can identify and comment on the basis for conclusions and provide a basic justification for position(s) taken in the answer

Student has a working knowledge of the pros and cons of the issue and can identify fundamental concerns (if any) associated

Student has a high-level appreciation of the pros and cons, can identify alternative analytical methodologies




Problem Solving


Using commonly accepted course of action decision skills, the student can provide feasible and reasonable alternatives to the issue

Student displays strong decision-making skills, access a wide range of feasible, conventional and non-conventional alternatives, and effectively access second-order effects, if any


Assess conventional, unconventional and courses of action, effectively identify second order-effects and recommend corrections




Identify key events, their causes and make informed analytical decisions on possible trends and/or future issues

Apply research in a fluid and dynamic manner to support analytical conclusions on possible trends and issues

Combine research, and experience conduct a critical analysis which results in sound conclusions


Let the Police do Police Work

By David C. Hagen

As Massachusetts continues in what is perhaps the worst drought in history, local cities and towns responded in a graduated manner. With Boston.com reporting that more than 60 percent of Massachusetts is in a “severe drought” condition, elected officials were obligated to take action.

First, there was an odd/even number lawn watering request. This was followed by a request for a water ban (it was called a “voluntary water ban”, which is a contradiction in terms). Ultimately, municipal leadership chose to make the water ban obligatory-specifically delineating the specific activities which may or may not be undertaken by the residents.

            In Holliston, the ban prohibited the irrigation of lawns, washing of vehicles and buildings and watering of plants between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. While these actions are certainly within the authority of the town, the larger question becomes who enforces the ban? The argument is that the police should be the enforcement authority, while others contend it should be the water department.

The use of highly trained, equipped and educated police Officers in the enforcement of a municipal order restricting water usage would be an ineffective policy that would result in poor opportunity cost application, and a lessening of a strong relationship between the police and the community. The correct form of enforcement is through monitoring the usage and then sending out a water department representative to observe and then cite the homeowner with a $100 civil bylaw violation.

In July, Holliston Police, assisted by Ashland, Medway, Sherborn and Hopkinton Officers arrested David W. Bombard, after his theft of money from a local business. Bombard, (47) who was believed to be armed, was in possession of a pellet gun. In August, Holliston Police assisted FBI agents in arresting Joseph Garguilo (40), of Holliston, who was charged in federal court with being a prohibited person in possession of ammunition after a tip alleging his intent to target police and homeland security agents. Given two high priority cases, the sound use of municipal resources in enforcing Holliston’s water ban is for the Water department to monitor usage and for the police to continue to address the critical matters of police safety in the highly professional manner they always have.

The author spent a career in municipal law enforcement and the military and is currently a faculty member at a private university in Boston, Mass, teaching homeland security and criminal justice. These are his personal views.  



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Terror in the 21st Century
Terror in the 21stCentury
BY (Student Name)
Terrorism has become one of the major global security threats in this century. As countries, in both developing and developed worlds try to ensure the safety of their citizens from extremists; terror networks are equally morphing with the changing times to advance their agenda. Sporadic and organized attacks have been witnessed not only in cities in Europe, deemed to be safe but also within the United States.
When attacks are carried out in Brussels, Paris, Frankfurt, Nairobi, London or New York, it evokes the questions of how much the world is safe from terrorism. In the US, even though no major attacks have been registered in the past year from Islamic extremists, homegrown terrorists, who are born Americans have been on the news, as have conducted attacks after radicalization. What then makes terrorism thrive in the 21st Century?
First, the rapid development in communication technology and dissemination of information has played a significant role in consolidating terror networks. It is easier for extremists to recruit, co...
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