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Pol 102.03: Assignment 11 Executive Branch

Essay Instructions:

POL 102.03: ASSIGNMENT 11 Final Assignment DUE: 5PM SUNDAY May 5 2019
Please complete the following assignment and upload it to Blackboard (under the Assignments tab) by 5pm on Sunday May 5. You should make sure to save a copy for your own records. If you have questions about the assignment, please email the instructor by 5pm on Friday night so there is sufficient time for the email to be seen and for the instructor to respond. You may type/write your answers in the spaces below, or you may create your own new document (e.g. Google Doc, PDF document, Pages etc. are all fine).
TASK:Now that we have looked in detail at each of the three branches of government, we can return to the questions we asked at the beginning of the course: how has government changed since the Constitution? For this assignment, review the last few weeks of notes on the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government and answer the following questions. 
QUESTIONS:1. For each of the three branches, brie y state whether the branch has become more powerful, less powerful, or has not changed, since the founding and Constitution. Make sure to give a 1-2 sentence explanation explaining your reasoning. 

2. In the first exam, I asked you all to decide which branch of government was given the most power by the founders in the Constitution. Now that we have examined how these branches have evolved over time, do you think that the branch you thought was given the most power is still the most powerful? If so, why? If not, which branch do you think has become the most powerful over time? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Executive Branch
Since the adoption of the Constitution, there have been many amendments that have contributed to the change of the powers of the Executive Branch. The powers have been modified through the years via the presidential interpretation and congressional legislation. The constitution does not contain specific and thorough descriptions of the powers granted to the executive branch, but the Congress affects presidential powers, because the make the laws in the first place.
The Changes in the powers of the congress from the year 1787 has 2 main themes. One is the expansion and distribution of power through the interpretation of the Congress’s role in the system of the Constitution. The other change is centered around the American people’s will to operate as a democracy and drive people to follow the Constitution.
Changes in the Judicial branch revolves around the transition into a federal government, wherein the Su...
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