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Impact the Service Had on the Washington DC Community

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the impact statement is for FYDP students to think broadly about their civic identity. Please select

one of the following questions to complete your impact statement on:

1. The impact their service had on the Washington DC community

We did a community service in this place before, and now we want to write this topic. Here is the information about this website. This place is called food prints at francis stevens.]


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Service Project: Impact the Service Had on the Washington DC Community
Institutional Affiliation
Service Project: Impact the Service had on the Washington DC Community
As a prerequisite for all first-year students, we participated in community service at School Without Walls at Francis Stevens during our First Year Development Program (FYDP). Francis Stevens is a public elementary and middle school located in Washington, DC. FRESHFARM FoodPrints has collaborated with public schools in Washington, DC to make a positive impact on diets of children and their families. Francis Stevens is one of the schools that have worked with FoodPrints since 2015. Between 2018 and 2019, the school had 300 students participating starting from Preschool to 8th Grade. This collaboration is specially designed to integrate the traditional curriculum with a school garden, and a kitchen classroom, and providing hands-on experiences for pupils to be able to grow, harvest, cook, and eat, thus enhancing children’s motivation to eat healthy and nutritious local foods. The experiences at FoodPrints provide schools, students, and their families with meaningful opportunities in engaging with academic content, hands-on experiences with food sources and the delightful taste of nutritious foods, and high chances to work cooperatively. This ensures that students get more involved with their academics and appreciating how to make a positive impact in what the children, their families, and the entire Washington DC community consume.
At Francis Stevens, we offered community services involving FoodPrints classes lasting for 2 hours per day and occasional gardening activities in most evenings and weekends duri...
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