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How Montressor Manipulated Fortunato

Essay Instructions:

Read Poe's The Cask of Amontillado using the attached pdf link. Then, compose an in-class essay in which you support the thesis that Fortunado was manipulated by Montressor. In the process, analyze various techniques that Montressor employed, such as temptation and reverse psychology. Finally, express your opinion about whether or not Montressor achieved revenge - according to his definition of it.

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How Montressor Manipulated Fortunato Student’s Name University Affiliation How Montressor Manipulated Fortunato to Revenge “The Cask of Amontillado” is a story that involves two characters, Montressor and Fortunato. Many themes play out throughout the story with betrayal and revenge as the most outstanding. Montressor who is the narrator in the story recounts how his friend Fortunato had hurt and insulted him. It is because of the insult that Montress vowed revenge (Poe, 2008). Both Montress and Fortunato are alcoholics and the former takes advantage of this by employing various techniques to manipulate Fortunato with the ultimate goal of revenging on him. Therefore in this research paper, I argue that Fortunato was manipulated by Montressor. I will support my thesis by analyzing the various techniques that Montressor employed throughout his revenge mission and demonstrate whether or not he achieved revenge at least according to his definition of it. Fortunato had excess pride over his expertise in wine’s taste that only a fool would fail to notice. Montress being his fellow alcoholic had already taken cognizance of this trait and decided to exploit this weakness to revenge on him. The two met at dusk and Montress could not hesitate seizing the opportunity to trick Fortunato. Aware of his excess pride on his knowledge of wine’s taste, Montress tells him that he had “received a pipe of what passes for Amontillado” but he doubted if it was the real thing (Poe, 2008, pg. 4). As proud as he always was, Fortunato instantly registered his discredit exclaiming “How? Amontillado? A pipe? Impossible!! And in the middle of Carnival! ” (Poe, 2008, 4). Determined to lure him, Montress skillfully played to his tune stating that he also doubted and “was silly enough to pay the full Amontillado price” without consulting Fortunato in the matter. He flatters him further that “some fools think Luchesi and Fortunato are equal in t...
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