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Planning for Quantitative Research

Essay Instructions:
Step 1. Identify Based on your chosen scenario, define a hypothetical problem related to the provided dataset and relevant to the associated instrument. Why would a researcher want to collect such data? What possible problems might motivate such research? For example, in the first scenario, nurses may need more autonomy; in the second scenario, teachers may lack resources to implement STEM programs; and in the third scenario, test scores may be declining in a school. Cite existing literature to explore the background of the problem and justify its relevance. The problem statement should start with “The problem is…” This section should be about one page. Step 2. Justify Based on the hypothetical problem you identified, what is the purpose of the study? Justify the purpose with relevant details. What does the study hope to accomplish, and why is it needed? The purpose statement should start with “The purpose is…” This section should be about one page. Step 3. Compose Compose 1-2 research questions related to the problem and purpose statements. Remember, they should not have “yes or no” answers and should include the participants, the independent and dependent variables, and the location or context of the study. This section should have a brief paragraph introducing the research questions. Step 4. Submit Ensure your essay uses APA format and contains at least three scholarly citations. Include a reference page for your sources. Be sure to include a sound introduction and conclusion. Submit your essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Planning for Quantitative Research – Employee Attendance Rates and Work Times Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name October 8, 2024 Problem Statement The issue examined is that, in a suburban company, one of the detrimental trends of the past year has been meager attendance rates of employees, which, of course, implies lowered productivity and higher expenses (Landivar et al., 2022). In organizations, truancy levels are essential determinants of team productivity and satisfaction. In addition, low attendance rates interrupt employees and organizational work schedules, increasing pressure on the remaining workers and reducing their job satisfaction (Belkin et al., 2020). The authors recommend that several factors could potentially reduce attendance rates, including a greater understanding of those factors that can affect attendance rates, including work schedules and job satisfaction. Policies implemented in an organization about attendance and absenteeism need to be understood. In this case, the attendance data reveals a massive difference across different start times, which creates the potential for studying the effects of flexibility on employee attendance (Berkery et al., 2020). Because attendance has been found to influence various organizational performances, it is essential to understand what does or does not influence attendance. A possible aim of researching this topic is to determine whether flexible start times or adjusted working hours positively impact attendance. They may wish to know how starting hours interfere with work, other commitments, and health, among other factors. A researcher might be interested in this information to develop ways of enhancing employee attendance levels and, therefore, employee performance (Latham, 2023). There is also evidence in the literature that researching corporation's policies on truancy can assist firms in adopting better management mechanisms. Therefore, this research could open up theoretical and practical applications by tackling the general organizational issue of absenteeism while at the same time helping to i...
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