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Appreciative Inquiry and Appreciative Living
Essay Instructions:
Reflecting upon appreciative inquiry (AI) and appreciative living (AL) helps individuals develop self-awareness, find the best in others, and maintain a positive organizational culture. Such reflections can inspire others to change, shift automatic thinking, and eliminate negative bias.
In your presentation, you will show how Kelm’s five emergent principles of AI help individuals reflect on their leadership practice. You will also demonstrate how the principles affect your own personal decisions as leaders.
You may present live on camera or provide personal narration to accompany your video or slides. Your presentation should represent one you would provide at a virtual conference.
Step 1
Review the module readings, presentations, and discussion. Then, use the ACE LibraryLinks to an external site. and other scholarly or professional sources to:
Review Kelm’s five emergent principles.
Research the effect of Kelm’s emergent principles on leaders through the lens of AI and AL as they relate to reflective leadership practice.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Appreciative Inquiry and Appreciative Living
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Appreciative Inquiry and Appreciative Living
Kelm’s exploration of appreciative inquiry (AI) and appreciative living bears characteristics with new platforms through which leaders can develop. Superficially, views successful leadership as one that focuses on positive outcomes and not negative impediments. As such, prospects like collaborations, possibilities, and strengths are more valuable to leaders than negative aspects like weaknesses, problems, and adverse competition. The implementation of Kelm’s insights in AI and AL principles can be vital in helping individuals within leadership positions to stay positive, innovate, and create a sense of shared purpose.
Kelm’s AI and AL Principles
Kelm’s AI and AL principles guide leaders on how to understand their organizations and followers to lead to operational success. Firstly, KKelm provides the principle of wholeness that outlines the connectedness of organizational systems (Kelm, 2005). To leaders, wholeness helps to understand the role of different un...
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