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Theory and Real-Life Application to Leadership
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Theory and Real-Life Application to Leadership
Leaders don’t just give instructions. They must use their actions to show others how and what to do. As we grow as leaders, taking on new roles and positions, action research living theory focuses on improving the quality of the person, organization, and performance. Applying living theory in a real-life application directly impacts the leader’s influence on themselves and others.
Reference the module readings and presentations and compose a new post in response to these questions to the following questions:
How do you use action research living theory to improve what you’re doing as a leader?
What type of self-reflection exercises help you accomplish this in real-life practice?
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Theory and Real-Life Application to Leadership
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Theory and Real-Life Application to Leadership
Using Action Research Living Theory to Improve Leadership
The application of action research living theory in leadership implies an active deployment of various theoretical elements into real-life experiences. The action research living theory emphasizes self-reflection accompanied by continuous improvement initiatives that are anchored on a leader’s real-life experiences (Crothers, 2021). To that extent, leadership within the framework of action research living theory focuses on the leader’s ability to give directions as well as to showcase how to align those directions with targeted outcomes. Further, a leader acting within action research must understand that his/her goal is to improve self as well as the organization by subjecting relative performances to specific reflective practices.
There are four steps that a leader can undertake to implement action research living theory practices into real-life leadership practices. Primarily, t...
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