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Reflection assignment 3

Essay Instructions:
Reflection 3 – Chapter 5 and 6
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Reflection Assignment 3: Chapters 5 and 6 Reflection Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Reflection Assignment 3: Chapters 5 and 6 Reflection Part 1: Chapter Discussion and Connection to Memory Research Chapters 5 and 6 of "A Busy Student's Guidebook to Success" on achieving academic success through effective studying and knowledge retention strategies. Superficially, the two chapters fosters academic success as an outcome of effective studying and time management. The concepts explored in academic success are closely linked to memory research. Specifically, Baddeley et al. (2020) show that memory research demands an insightful input into aspects like encoding, storage, and retrieval processes throughout learning. Each of the above memory elements are linked to individual learning techniques and time management in various ways. Primarily, Baddeley et al. (2020) showcase encoding as the initial process of transferring information into memory. To achieve such a transfer successfully, one must have effective studying techniques. According to Radvansky and Magliano (2012), some of the necessary learning techniques that can stimulate encoding include elaborative rehearsal and spaced repetition. Both techniques enhance encoding by steering meaningful connections while reducing interference to the learner at the same time. Similar techniques are vital in completing other memory components lie storage and retrieval. Radva...
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