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Greek and Roman Epic

Essay Instructions:
Length: 1000-1500 words, typed, double-spaced. Citation: Use MLA format Requirements: Thesis. Your essay must be governed by a thesis that (a) responds directly to the essay topic, (b) is arguable, and (c) is stated at the end of the first paragraph having clearly defined all the central terms. Textual Support. Your thesis must be supported by major interpretive claims (topic sentences) that are supported by at least one appropriate quote per body paragraph. Your ability to select, interpret, and apply the appropriate textual evidence is key to doing well with the essay. You should cite all texts from Homer and Virgil with the title of the epic, the book number, then the line number(s). For example: (Odyssey 4.11-17) Reasoning. You must consistently use and apply logical reasoning in developing your thesis. Writing. Your essay must be written well. There should be no awkward sentences, rough transitions between paragraphs, incoherent paragraphs, extraneous information/unnecessary sentences, typos, or stylistic errors. Audience. You are writing for an educated audience very familiar with Homer and Virgil’s work. (You don't need to summarize the entire epic.) Topics: Choose ONE of the topics below. 1Explain the Roman ideal of pietas as it is developed in the Aeneid. 2Explain and analyze the Roman ideal of labores as it is developed in the Aeneid. 3 Analyze Dido’s role in the Aeneid. resourse: ebook of Aeneid -https://brytewave(dot)redshelf(dot)com/app/ecom/shelf aASK SUPPORT FOR LOGIN.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name October 20, 2024 The Roman Ideal of Labores in Virgil's The Aeneid The Aeneid, the works and days of man are connected with the journey of the hero, Aeneas, and his destiny of creating a new land. Accordingly, the idea of Labores in Roman ethos does not terminate at labor. However, they are a comprehensive means of overcoming challenges, natural forces, wars, and everything in between, individual struggles, and even testing one's spirit. On the one hand, these hardships represent the cultural values of Romans as it was considered in their society and the values that Aeneas possesses – perseverance. On the other hand, labores as a genre and trope are used by Virgil in The Aeneid to demonstrate that not only Aeneas but effort and struggle are an inevitable part of Roman destiny. With this representation of the course of Aeneas, Virgil strengthens the idea of the concept of labor as components of glory, which presupposes, first of all, ‘one’s ability to endure.' As an example, the tasks of Aeneas depict the numerous burdens of destiny and authority in persons, and from the beginning, Virgil prepares the audience for a difficult journey. Expressly, it must be noted that the opening lines of the epic set the tone for this continuous struggle: "I sing of arms and a man: his fate had made him fugitive: he was the first to journey from the coasts of Troy as far as Italy and the Lavinian shores." (The Aenid 1.1-7). Here, Virgil introduces Aeneas not as the hero but as the man who struggles, sweats and fights through extensive work and war. His difficulties are not just of humans' doing but of the gods, and Juno's enmity is still active in the story. This representation of Aeneas is in complete harmony with the Roman view of lange and suffering for duties and fate, making him a representative of the figures whose journey is the definition of labores. However, the meanings of labores are the more superficial struggles that Aeneas and his companions go through and the emotional and psychological stress that comes with leadership. Despite all the books being full of adventures that appeared to Aeneas during the journey from Troy to Italy, many challenges faced him that made him prove. For instance, when he reaches Carthage and addresses Que...
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