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Organizational Ethical Standards, Part 2: Assessment Empowerment

Essay Instructions:
An organization's value statement is critical to its culture and identity. It provides a foundation for decision-making and behavior and helps guide the organization's interactions with stakeholders. Thus, stakeholders should provide insights for forming or revising a values statement. A survey seeking input shares power with stakeholders and supports their buy-in to the organization’s ethical culture. In this assignment, you will develop a 6-item survey for five internal stakeholders to provide feedback on your ethical values statement. You will also compose a 1-page introduction to your survey justifying the survey to organizational leadership. Note: Continue envisioning yourself as a leader at your selected organization. You will use the ethical values statement drafted in Module 1 as a reference point. Step 1 Identify five individuals to represent key stakeholders in the organization. For the sake of this scenario, they do not need to work at your selected organization. Your five stakeholders can be peers, friends, colleagues, or leaders. A mixture of individuals with varied organizational experience and leadership levels will provide a robust sampling. Connect with your stakeholders before distributing the survey. Alert the stakeholders to the date you will distribute the survey, how long you estimate the survey will take to complete, and the deadline for survey completion. Assure them their responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. Explain how their honest input is essential for meaningful improvements. Tip: You do not need to evaluate the data for this assignment. You will use your collected survey data in Module 3. Step 2 Review the course readings and video presentations and conduct additional research in the ACE LibraryLinks to an external site.. Focus on assessment surveys and methods, stakeholder feedback, and ethical organizational collaboration. Step 3 Select a digital tool from the ACE Digital Tools Center, or another tool of your choice to create your survey. Your tool must enable digital distribution, completion, and compilation of data. Step 4 Design your survey of 6-questions. Write instructions to refer respondents to your draft of the ethical values statement. Use these questions to guide your thinking: What ethical issues are most important? Why? What ethical expectations do stakeholders have for their organizations? Why? In what situations do organizational members need the most ethical decision-making support? What is the role of the organizational ethical values statement in guiding decisions? Does the provided draft of the ethical values statement reflect their important issues and expectations? How or how not? The survey should use a combination of a Likert scale and open-ended questions. Distribute the draft of your ethical values statement and your survey to the stakeholders. Then, save your survey as a PDF or JPG and embed it into a Word document. Step 5 At the beginning of the Word document, compose a 1-page introduction to your survey. Your introduction should justify the survey to organizational leadership. Use the following questions to guide your thinking: How are the concepts of ethics, leadership, and power central to the survey? Why is ethical leadership important? Why is stakeholder input valuable for creation of an organizational ethical values statement? Use APA-formatted in-text citations to support your thinking. Include your sources in an APA-formatted reference section. Note: Your finished assignment should look like something used in the workplace. Instead of an APA-formatted essay, it should resemble an authentic, evidence-based survey and introduction with APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference list. You do not need an APA-formatted title page.  Step 6 Submit the introduction and survey as a Word document.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Organizational Ethical Standards, Part 2: Assessment Empowerment Survey Introduction Competition among leading organizations has changed significantly from the traditional components by including ethical value statements. Huber and Knights (2023) reveal that people have shifted their attention from applauding organizations for achieving financial milestones only by demanding them to demonstrate the capability to nurture and comply with acceptable ethical standards throughout their everyday operations and practices. As a result, leadership expectations within companies have also evolved with increased demand for cultivating ethical cultures that promote a supportive working environment for all employees and other players. Thus, although American Express has established corporate statements and values, assessing their compliance with desirable ethical standards and their contribution to the company’s culture and relationships with stakeholders is critical through a survey targeting diverse respondents with different organizational experiences. The organization’s leadership should recognize that leadership, ethics, and power are interlinked concepts yet may attract varied attention based on their definitions. However, harmonizing them is critical for ensuring that American Express promotes values that enable its leadership to make appropriate decisions that promote the collective growth of the company and the workforce. For instance, Huber and Knights (2023) consider ethics as fundamental moral principles embraced in institutional life that define rights and truths, leading to normalizing effects. Cuilla (2014) adds that prioritizing such moralities enables leaders to present themselves as role models characterized by ethical leadership promoting specific company behaviors. In this context, this survey focuses on the power of such leaders on their followers and the effect it would have on the organization’s overall status. Assessing ethical values ensures that American Express leadership displays desirable influence as determined by the company’s ethical statement. Conceptualizing this survey arises from the impact of ethical leadership on the progress and reputation of an institution. Ciulla (2014) confirms that such leaders distinguish themselves morally by pursuing their followers’ good through inclusivity, respect, and other deeds. As a result, establishing ethical sta...
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