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Organizational Research Paper

Essay Instructions:
1.Research the Web for actual instances of an organizational structure of your choice. 2.Develop a five-page research paper outlining the rationale for this type of organizational structure. 3.Include in your paper the flexibility of this organizational structure to support the projects it initiates.
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Organizational Research Paper Name: Institution: Date: Introduction Organizations are run in different ways; each organization has to come up with a strategy that is appropriate for the different needs of the organization. An organization structure can help or affect the organizations ability to achieve its goals. Some organizational structures definitely impair the ability of an organization to deliver projects successfully. Choosing an organizational structure that properly fits the organization needs is very imperative to the success of an organization. There three project management organizational structures that an organization can adopt; they are matrix, pure project and functional structures. Each and every organization must compare and contrast these three organizational structures to find one that will best suit the needs and wants of the organization. Once an organization has found its proper organization structure, then this will guide them through the road to success. All the three project management organizational structures have advantages and disadvantages. When used correctly and under the right environment, the selected structure can help in completion of projects. An organizational structure can also hurt the success of a project or projects and some can impair the ability to deliver projects in the time frame allocated. Some organizational structures can also play a role in the ability to share organizational resources and impair the ability of the workers in project delivery. However, the projects can work properly when and if the project managers understand the project management organizational structure well and have good communication. Organizations must therefore compare and contrast all the organizational structures for them to pick one that is best suited to any particular project. This paper discus the matrix project management organization structure and the flexibility of this organizational structure to fit the projects initiated under it. Matrix This is an organizational form that attempts to combine the advantages of the pure functional structure with the advantages of the product organizational structure. Project driven companies are best suited to this form of f organizational structure. The project manager in this form of the organizational structure, use power and authority that comes from the general manager directly. This is because each and every project has potential profits and thus the project manager has total accountability and responsibility for project success (Moore 2002). In this form of the organizational structure, project management is taken to be a coordinative functions, where else matrix management style is a collaborative function which is a division of project management (Boyd & Cronin 2006). Ground rules exist in this form of organizational management that includes: - Participants must spend their full time on the projects initiated. - Vertical and horizontal channels must exist for commitment making - There must be quick and helpful technique for conflict declaration - There must be advanced communication between managers - Managers must have inputs in the planning process - Vertical and horizontally oriented managers should be willing to negotiate for organizational resources and - Horizontal lines must be allowed to operate as separate entities (except in the cases of administrative proposes). This is an organizational structure that provided for quick response to conflicts, changes and other needs that may arise during the project. While using this structure, organizations keep conflicts to a minimal level and those that require resolution are resolved quickly using the hierarchical referral. Most, if not all, of the disadvantages of the traditional organizational structures are eliminated due to the many advantages that are associated with this form of the organizational structure (Boyd & Cronin 2006). Many organizations are structured in a strict hierarchical manner. This means that the power structure of the organization is rigidly defined. Such a structure allows the superior employees to make major decisions that direct the actions of those below them. The role of a hierarchical organizational structure in the management of projects is used for the enforcement of stability and efficiency. Decisions that involve the course of pro...
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