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Home Care Provider/Health Care

Essay Instructions:
A project plan is a dynamic document; you update it throughout the project to reflect current agreements about goals, schedule, budget, and so on. The plan then becomes the main venue by which you: -Aid communication and decision making with the project sponsor and stakeholders. -Guide both project execution and project control within the team To improve your understanding of project planning, you will build or critique a project plan of your choice. Topic Details Project Summary An overview of the situation, to include items such as the sponsors, customer(s), bidders, winner(s), project objectives/goals, constraints, and any other information necessary to establish the situation. Specifications A description of the end product or service in terms of characteristics, requirements, and performance goals. Statement of Work (SOW) A SOW can be used but it must be abridged to adhere to the page count. Master Schedule A time scale showing the interrelationships of project tasks. Sub-schedules need not be discussed if it would make you exceed your page count. Procedures Guide The rules and practices that govern the project. Elaborate on whether procedures comply with or violate company/government policy. Cost Controls A work breakdown structure that shows activities, components, and committed resources. If the observed company refuses to release their controls, develop one on your own. Materials and Equipment Forecast A depiction of how materials will be managed. Applicable only to projects where procurement and movement of materials was required. Cross-Impact Matrix A Functional Cross Impact Matrix showing which organizational units/key personnel are involved in the process of completing each task of the project. Project Organization Plan A simple break down of the major project responsibilities. Management Plan A description of how management was/will be conducted and how the project will be monitored. Project Personnel Plan A description of the labor resource requirements that establishes key responsibilities, numbers and qualifications. Reporting and Review Procedure A list of documents and communications materials essential to the project. Describe the purpose of each document. Supplements: You may use lists, tables, figures, graphs, and/or charts to illustrate your points, and cite periodicals, texts, and/or personal interviews to clarify your report. These can be part of your core pages, or in addition to it. Your instructor and classmates will evaluate your report, so consider the impact of your technology choices.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Project Plan: Homecare Provider/Health Care
This paper is in form of a home-based healthcare project plan. The project aims at identifying the most effective way of providing quality and efficient home-based healthcare services to the sick, disabled and aged people in the community. This particular project plan is divided into: project summary, specifications, statement of work, master schedule, procedure guide, cost controls, materials and equipment forecast, cross-impact matrix, project organization plan, management plan, project personnel plan and reporting and review procedure.

A Project Plan: Homecare Provider/Health Care
Project Summary
Healthcare provision at home is increasingly becoming an important issue. As Harris (2010) notes, sick people, the elderly and people who are suffering from various physical disabilities can now receive healthcare services in their homes, without necessarily having to visit healthcare facilities. Healthcare services that can be provided to these people at their homes may include treatment of the sick, nursing of the elderly people, personal assistance of the disabled and among others. However, many of these people are suffering helplessly in their homes. As Capezuti and his colleagues (2008) do observe, although the “Programme and Service Guide for Home-Based Care” initiative has been put in place, nothing much has been achieved. McCarthy and Schafermeyer (2007) argue that various types of healthcare models have just been implemented without any observance of the set standards. This situation raises a need for more information on home-based healthcare. This project is based on a response to such a need. It gives a systematic framework through which effective and efficient home-based healthcare can be implemented. The project serves as a guide to healthcare policy makers and managers. Its objective is to identify the most effective way of providing quality and efficient home-based healthcare services. The project bidder is the Ministry of Health. Out of the 17 contenders who had been short-listed for the project interview, XX Public Health Research Firm won the contract. The project is sponsored by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO). Healthcare managers and policy makers are expected to make use of this framework in implementing, guiding, monitoring and supervising effective home-based health care programs. Some of the constraints that are likely to hinder successful implementation of this particular project include insufficient funds, lack of enough time and inadequate co-operation from the members of the study case community.
The usage of this recommended framework is expected to raise the quality and general standard of home-based healthcare services. According to Prieto (2008), home-based healthcare is continually evolving as a result of the changing needs of patients or clients and their families. This is unlike in the past when home-based healthcare programs only focused on the sick individuals in families. This particular project aims at covering a wider scope of home-based healthcare. The program is not only meant to promote improved healthcare services for the sick people in local families, but also for the elderly and disabled people in such families. Several countries around the world, especially in the West, have a problem of how to deal with their large numbers of aging populations (Gingerich & Ondeck, 1994). Some of these elderly people are either neglected by their families or have nobody to take care of them. This framework will be of great importance in helping such people to lead independent and comfortable lives in their homes. Since disabled people are actually found in any part of the world, this program will as well help in promoting effective community rehabilitation services to such people. For instance, rehabilitation services, such as, provision of wheelchairs, can be of great help to people who have lost limbs or whose limbs have ceased to be functional. This undertaking can be successfully accomplished by involving all the stakeholders. These include both hospital-based and community based healthcare workers, community members, healthcare managers and policy makers, the government and non-governmental organizations. These stakeholders will work hand in hand with the field researchers who will form the core of the project team.
Statement of Work (SOW)
Purpose: This particular project is meant to promote effective, efficient and quality home-based healthcare among the sick, aged and disabled members of the community.
Scope of Work: The project involves treatment of sick people in the local families, giving home-based care to the aged and disabled people in the community and sensitizing the entire community on the importance of home-based healthcare procedures and measures.
Location of Work: This project is to be carried out in a rural community called YY, which is found in country ZZ.
Performance Period: This project will run for three years. It will begin on January 2013 and end on January 2016.
Deliverable Schedule: Home-based treatment of sick people in local families will be provided for one and half years (between January 2014 and June 2015). The same case applies to provision of home-based care to the disabled and aged people of the local community. A home for the aged people who have no one to take care of them will be constructed between May 2014 and April 2015. The disabled will be provided with wheelchairs, orthotics and prosthesis during the second year and the first half of the final year of the project. All these activities will be carried out alongside a research on the effectiveness of the program.
Applicable Criteria: The execution of the project will embrace team-work among field researchers, healthcare providers and healthcare policy makers, and coordination with the members of the local families.
Acceptance Criteria: The progress of the project will be evaluated in December 2014 and in
June 2015.
Special Requirements: Both hospital-based and community-based registered healthcare providers will be top candidates for consideration in the project team positions. The project personnel need to be provided with appropriate healthcare equipment and materials, and a reliable means of transportation to the local areas.
Payment Schedule: The payment of the project will be made in six phases. This will be in form of two payment periods in a single year.
Master Schedule
Table 1: Master Schedule
Project ActivityTimelineSelecting the Project Steering Committee in order for it to provide a way forward in the course of the projectJanuary 2013Developing a statement of the work to be carried out
Setting goals and objectives of the research
February-March 2013Searching relevant literature on effective, efficient and quality home-based healthcare services for the sick, aged and disabled members of the local families
Procuring literature reviewers and conducting the literature review
Proposing research methodology and data collection techniques
Preparing the research budget
April-July 2013Requesting for proposals for original research that will be conducted
Receiving of the proposals
Distribution of the proposals to the project steering committee
Analysis of the research proposals
August-October 2013 Reviewing and selecting suitable proposals
Referring the proposals to the individual researchers
November-December 2013Assembling all the necessary research equipment and materials
Carrying out the research January-February 2014 Monitoring the progress of the projectJune 2014, December 2014 and June 2015Obtaining reports from the researchers on the progress of the project
Synthesizing the reports for steering committeeJune 2014, December 2014 and June 2015 Evaluating the success of the project December 2014 and
June 2015Identifying research gaps and emerging issues
June 2015Analyzing the results of the project
July-August 2015 Preparing a comprehensive report on the findings of the study
Giving a recommendation of what needs to be doneSeptember-October 2015 Presenting the research results to the project steering committeeNovember 2015Presentation of the research results to the healthcare managers, policy makers and the Ministry of Health.December 2015Procedures Guide
This particular project will embrace the following rules and practices:
Empowerment: The project will seek to promote the health of the sick, the disabled and the aged people in local families. It will also seek to sensitize these people and the entire community on how to lead a healthy and comfortable life.
Integrity: The project will be based on the principles of integrity. No form of dishonesty will be allowed whatsoever during the execution of the project. All research activities will be carried out using formal procedures and processes.
Partnership: Partnership among the project sponsor, project manager, project team and the research subjects will be highly encouraged. Each will have a crucial role play in the course of execution of the project.
Teamwork: Teamwork will as well be encouraged. All the people who will participate in the execution of the project are expected to work as a team. Maximum co-operation will be highly encouraged.
Quality care: The project will seek to promote quality home-based healthcare to the sick, disabled and aged people in the local families. The kind of healthcare that will be provided will seek to meet the needs of these groups of people.
Respect for the basic human rights: The project will ensure that all basic human rights are respected and protected. All research subjects will be protected from any form of discrimination, for instance, based on age, physical fitness, and health and among other factors.
Mainstreaming gender: The execution of the project will be gender-sensitive. Both men and women will be considered equally for positions in the project team. Some positions in the project team will be specifically reserved for women. Both men and women in the local families will also be part of the research subjects.
NOTE: The project does not in any way conflict with government policies. This is due to the fact that this particular project embraces the protection of human rights and gender mainstreaming. These are some of the principles promoted and advocated for by the government.
Cost Controls
Table 2: Cost Control
Project Ac...
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