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Observation 6

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do observation 6
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Observation Assignment #6: Communication Observation Protocol EPY 2050 Date: ________________________________________________Place: Local Community Center Time: ________________________________________________People: Children aged 10-15 years, two caretakers, and a program facilitator Type of observation (observation/participant observation): Observation Focus: Communication What is the primary mode of communication between adults and children/adolescents? If verbal language, which language(s)? Verbal communication, the most used one, is English, with the addition of some visual cues, such as the demonstration of the workpieces. The adult team also gave simplified instructions to make the messages clear. These measures were to help understand the task and add to the positive team environment in the observed art activity. What is the tone and focus? The tone was supportive and guiding, and it was instructive and encouragingly towards giving clear instructions and support during a group art activity. Within the group art activity, adult presence was focused on explicit, step-by-step instruction for the children, providing instruction and ensuring everyone understood the role and objectives. They also provided frequent verbal affirmations and nonverbal gestures, such as smiles and nods, to encourage and reassure the children in a collaborative and inclusive environment. What type...
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