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Reflection on NOBODY: Casualties of America’s War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond Chapter Caged

Essay Instructions:

From Nobody by Hill, please read chapter 5 "Caged". Provide a detailed submission on the content of this chapter as well as your reflections of the significance of this chapter for human services agencies, practitioners, and community activists in the United States. Also indicate what you believe should be done to challenge and counteract this ignominious institution.

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Reflection on
NOBODY: Casualties of America’s War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond
Chapter Caged
[date] Caged, a chapter in Marc Hill's book Nobody focuses on the justice system of America that contributes to the imprisonment of black people, guilty or not. The chapter started by claiming that even if Michal Brown survived his encounter with assault from an officer, he would still eventually fall under the same circumstance. The reason: he is a black man. The chapter Caged tackles the failure in the system that imprisons black people. Such a discriminatory fate has made most of the black people, particularly males, undergo prison experience at least once in their lives (Hill, 2016).
Imprisonment has been a punishment that primarily isolated criminals. It started with transporting criminals to colonies to the incarceration of criminals. Today, the justice system has become a product of economic and political malice that victimizes the poor and the marginalized. It has become a discriminatory institution that tortures those small people with poor prison conditions while favoring the rich with house arrest. Just like Micheal Brown, Jordan Davis, and other black males in society, the prison cages criminals who are either guilty, framed, discriminated against, or hated (Hill, 2016).
Chapter Caged is an eye-opener to society that generalizes prisoners as immoral people. The chapter takes us to the understanding of what prison was primarily for and how it has become a torture to the victims of societal failures. Moreover, it gives us an analysis and perception of the angle of incarceration of black people. This perspective allows us to understand that black prisoners are more lik...
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