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The Roman Colosseum: Questions and Answers. Literature & Language.

Essay Instructions:

Answer these two questions for The Roman Colosseum

1. What makes this project significant beyond scale?

2. Describe the impact of the key project role players?

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The Roman Colosseum: Questions and Answers
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The Roman Colosseum
What Makes This Project Significant Beyond Scale?
The Roman Colosseum is an ancient expansive and ovalish amphitheater which is located centrally in Rome, Italy. The Colosseum presents an important ancient roman cultural symbol that has stood through the test of times. The Colosseum was built between 70 and 72 AD by a Roman empire by Vespasian's name (Mann, 1998). Despite being an ancient relic, the Colosseum stands still and firm even after many years of weather vagaries and other deteriorative factors such as earthquakes, pollution, vegetative overgrowth, and looting. Then amphitheater accommodated a large number of spectators that are averaged to be 65,000. The Colosseum was actively used between 79 and 96 AD during ancient events and gladiator shows offered by emperors.
Between the 16th and 17th Centuries, the roman catholic church officials sought to renovate and put the Colosseum into more productive use due to the long redundant period. Pope Sixtus V offered to transform the ancient amphitheater into a wool factory and provide jobs to the roman prostitutes. Still, his untimely death led to the abandonment of this idea. In the late 16th Century, cardinal Altieri sought to use the amphitheater for hosting bullfighting events and tournaments (Mann, 1998). This idea was much opposed, and as a result, it did not materialize. During the late 17th Century, Pope Benedict XIV identified the Colosseum as sacred and where ancient Christian martyrs were executed. He abolished the utilization of the amphitheater for quarrying activities and sanctified it. Religious celebrations like the passi...
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