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Literature & Language
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Literature & Language Essay: Explication of "Broken"- Nobody

Essay Instructions:

Read chapter two, "Broken," From Nobody, by Hill. In a Moodle post which should be extensive and detailed, provide an explication of the material set forth in the chapter.

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#00117201 Explication of "Broken"- Nobody by Marc Lamont Hill
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Explication of "Broken"- Nobody
As the title suggests, "Nobody" is a non-fiction book by Marc Lamont Hill that narrates about the class of "Nobodies," including the disposable and abandoned people, the vulnerable, those subject to violent actions, or all vulnerable groups in 21st-century America. Hill used the second chapter, "Broken," to illustrate how society is broken by spotlighting instances of extrajudicial police violence on Americans and racial-related actions on African-Americans.
Chapter two, "Broken," highlights issues of excessive use of force, and notably the killings by police through chokeholds. The killing of Eric Garner through a chokehold by NYPD police for selling "loosies" cigarettes on Staten Island is the first story in the chapter. Adolph Lyon is another black man who suffered injuries from a police chokehold in LA for hav...
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