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How We Negotiate Experiences Matter Of Resilience And Perseverance

Essay Instructions:

The biggest setback in my body was when my uncle died in my first year in the United States. He died of liver cancer. I grew up in his family. I was so frustrated. I did not know what I should do Life has changed I think a lot Later, I came to think of the only hard-working to prevent such a tragedy Now that many people have died of cancer I started online to understand the knowledge about cancer Dietary reminder of family and friends around Healthy living in school I try my best to learn biology. I want to contribute to our future generations and even future generations so that they will no longer suffer from diseases about 350-450 words (other free to play)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

As human beings, we often go through various phases in life, which mold us into what we ultimately become later on. These phases vary from the best to the worst. How we negotiate these experiences is a matter of resilience and perseverance. The biggest setback I have ever suffered to this date was when my uncle died in my first year in the United States. He died of liver cancer. It was a tough pill to take for all of us, especially me, since he was the reason I had come to the U.S. in the first place. I grew up in his family, he housed me and used to provide me with virtually everything I needed for my stay. It was a very frustrating and sad experience for me.
I did not know what to do, as life had suddenly changed at the most inopportune moment. At that time, I had not known much about the country. I didn’t know how to tend for myself or to pay my bills. Things had to change, real fast for me. I had to go out and look for some menial jobs to do to get something for myself and my upkeep. I had to start working extra hard in everything that I did to have some good life later on. The loss of my uncle also made me start thinking about what had killed him- cancer. The disease has slowly ,but surely been killing large numbers of people around the world.
I used online sources to read and learn more about cancer. I was ready to try my best to ensure that such a tragedy never happened again in the family. While it is not treatable, cancer can be controlled and monitored. Early detection of cancer is the best way to combat it, while proper dieting and general lifestyle practices are also important. I therefore started to constantly remind my family members as well as my friends on the importance of observing a proper dietary regime and general healthy living. It was all about making them take the right decisions in life, especially as far as their lifestyle practices were concerned.
I also decided to enroll to study biology more to be able to understand the human body as well as diseases, even better. I made it my lifetime ambition therefore, to take the fight against cancer and other lifestyle-related diseases, to greater levels. I later learnt everyone has questions that have always remained unanswered due to the fear of victimization. I was, therefore, a voice for them. I...
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