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Electronic Communication: Negative Impact On The Environment

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argumentive essay on topic

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Print or Electronic Communication
[Name of the Student]
[Name of the Institute]
Argumentative Essay – Print or Electronic Communication
In the recent years, it has been observed that there is a prominent heightened sense of awareness developed significantly based on the environment. In particular, state of guiltiness and distress are considerably on the rise about the use of paper and its unproven impact on the fate of trees, forests, and the environment. In majority cases, almost every individual must have received several statements from the different organizations which claim the reason they want customers to go paperless in order to help the environment. The most common message is "Go paperless, help the environment and save trees" which challenges customers with an untruthful dilemma as it indicates that determining to receive paper messages is more destructive for the environment (Rothmann & Koch, 2014). However, these types of messages give the impression that electronic communication is more environmentally friendly as compare to the traditional method of paper-based communication. These specific claims are misrepresentative and unconfirmed. The electronic medium of communication has an imperative environmental impact that several eco-conscious people are unaware of the reality. Furthermore, this paper will emphasis on the argument based on whether paper or electronic communication medium has a greater negative impact on the environment.
Surveys show that they are concerned about the increase and decrease of the current economic climate, but are worried about the negative impact associated with the use of paper and printed materials (Butts, et al., 2015). Thus, the nature of these feelings reflects the very nature of these feelings in comparison with the signature lines that appear at the end of each email: "Please consider the environment before printing this letter." It is clear that many people support electronic communication. To make an informed and responsible choice, it is important to criticize electronic media as being more environmentally friendly than print media. Printed and digital media have a positive and negative impact on the environment (Chang, et al., 2015). For this reason, consumers and supervisors are critical to uncertain or unproven requirements and require greater accessibility, accuracy, and comparability of "life cycle data" of paper and digital media. Consumers feel satisfied with the choice of media if they know the facts and not because they feel guilty or hypocritical because they do not use electronic communication medium.
According to their point of view, electronic means of communication are the best choice for the environment and print media is a destructive option for the environment. As a result, electronic communications could pose greater risks and threats to trees and forests in different countries than paper or print. From an individual point of view, the electronic transmission mode can be more destructive than us...
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