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The Case Of Libertarianism Writing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

provide brief introduction to Libertarian ism by explaining the tree types of polices/laws they oppose? Robert Nozick provides two key Arguments in defense of Libertarian ism. the liberty upsets patterns argument and taxation is forced labor argument. provide a detailed explanation of of these two argument you should then explain one of Sandel's objections to Nozick's Argument. how would a Libertarian respond to this objection. lastly discus the reason why you find Nozick's argument and Lertarianism more generally convincing or unconvincing.

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Libertarianism is a school of socio-economic thought which maintains that each person is the outright owner of their life and ought be granted the autonomy to do whatsoever they want with themselves or their property, as long as they revere other people`s lives. It supports for the maximization of an individual`s free will by minimizing the power of the state. It supports the impression of a free market without government intervention complete abolishing of taxation. Hence, libertarianism advocates that the freedom of one person ends when the liberty of another one begins.
Libertarianism can broadly be divided into two, left and right libertarianism. Left-libertarians advocate for individual autonomy and social equality. They consider that the natural resources belong to everyone in the society, either unowned or owned collectively. They are usually sceptical of private property and advocate for the replacement of money with decentralized planning (Svoboda, 2016). They advocate allowing a considerable scope of individual liberty as it is viewed as the most productive way forward. Additionally, they will enable some initiation of force by the state if it is to the benefit of the society. Right-libertarians believe in private property rights and market distribution of natural resources. They advocate for all human interactions to be voluntary and consensual. They maintain that the use of force by a person or government, against another person or their property is a violation of this philosophy. They include anarchy-capitalism and monarchist liberalism.
The viewpoint supports the use of force in reaction to aggression such as violence. Additionally, libertarianism entails self-responsibility and opposes slavery and involuntary servitude. Libertarianism philosophy encompasses personal autonomy which requires the ability to initiate and do a task in one`s way, without the interference of the state. It also advocates for civil liberties, which include freedom of love and thought. Libertarians take a sceptical view of the country, as they perceive it as an enemy to personal autonomy. Left-libertarians favour socialist theories like mutualism while the right libertarians argue in favour of capitalism.
Robert Nozick is probably the most prominent political philosophers of the 20th century. His books revolutionized the discipline of social and political philosophy by defending free-market libertarianism. In his book, Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Nozick argues that minimal state interventions, limited to protection against any force, can be justified as long as the people`s rights are not violated. Furthermore, Robert challenges John Rawls`s doctrine that social and economic inequalities can be arranged in a manner that creates the best benefit to the least-advantaged member of the community.
Robert provides a unique perspective of taxation in the modern society. Taxes have always been an issue in the redistribution of wealth in the community (Nozick, 1973). Through the ideology of collectivism, the state imposes taxes to facilitate the distribution of wealth in a just manner. Many libertarians consider taxation as immoral, and Robert Nozick is one of the notable people against taxes. In his argument, Robert tries...
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