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Petty v. Metropolitan Gov't of Nashville & Davidson County case

Essay Instructions:
Read the Petty v. Metropolitan Gov't of Nashville & Davidson County case. You are to write a 3 page report that answers the following questions: What were the legal issues in this case? Explain how the reemployment provisions of the USERRA were violated in this case. Explain why the court concludes that Petty has a claim for discrimination under USERRA. Explain what the police department should have done differently. The format of the report is to be as follows: Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format. Type the question followed by your answer to the question. In addition to the 3 pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name: Woodrow Rowell, the instructor's name: Dr. Robert Waldo, the course title, and the date
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Petty v. Metropolitan Gov't of Nashville & Davidson County case
Name: Woodrow Rowel
Lecturer: Dr. Robert Waldo
Legal issues in this case
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) is known for it guarantee to the returning veterans reemployment with their former employees and prohibits employees from discriminating against veterans based on their military service. This act protects police officers and makes sure that they are treated s per their rights while being reemployed. In Petty v. Metropolitan Gov`t of Nashville and Davidson County case, the legal issue in the case was whether the employee had been sincere about the reasons for his discharge from the service and as well the issue regarding the postponement in re-employing a returning Army reservist which is seen to be violated in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) though in Petty case, the delay was based his alleged dishonesty.
How the reemployment provisions of the USERRA were violated in this case.
USERRA act had one goal which was to safeguard the rights to reinstate veterans when looking for re-employment upon return to the service. In Petty case, the act was violated in one way all the other though both parties played a role in violating the act. For instance, this police department had a return -to- work process for the officers who have been away from the police department, and in their comeback, they were top provide details like personal history updates questionnaire, a medical examination, a computer voice stress analysis, drug screening among other vital document that could show one has qualified once again to join his/her previous position (Piscitelli2008).
Even though, the key role played by USERRA is to protect the rights of the returning veterans when seeking re-employment, the reemployment provisions in Petty`s case were violated since Metro delayed re-hiring Petty by him through the return-to-work process. On the other hand, Petty was not reinstated to his previous where he was perfect in and Metro impermissibly denied Petty the ability to work off-duty security claiming that he had a policy against approving off-duty requests for officers who were under investigation...
For the purpose of this case, USERRA performs key functions. Initially the act is known to guarantee returning veterans a right to employment after their military service, it is known to prescribe the position to which the veterans are entitled upon their return, prevent discrim...
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