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My Experience In Japan: Cultural And Traditional Values

Essay Instructions:

Create your own short story! Develop characters using indirect characterization. Incorporate symbols, metaphors, allusions, allegory, life lessons, etc

Write something about when I was in Japan alone, I had so many trouble to communicate with them, and during the trip, I lost my wallets, so I have to find a way to get through the days... Conclude with a life lesson that I got from the experience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
My Experience in Japan Author Name Institution Affiliation Ever since I was little, I always felt that Japan was the best tourist attraction. I grew up seeing my grandmother talking about her life in Japan as well as about this country’s rich cultural and traditional values. Though I was born in London, which is considered one of the best tourist destinations, I was fascinated by the beauty of Japan and wanted to go there someday. Eventually, I made a plan with one of my cousins (John). We decided to spend a whole week in Tokyo. When we reached there, a local guided us toward the most affordable hotel in the city. We went there, had some rest, and then decided to spend the night out. The first thing that I liked about this city is its Robot Restaurant. I do not think that there is any other place as exciting as this high tech restaurant with flashy neon lights. Robot Restaurant is an entertaining spot for people who want to enjoy their food in a friendly and peaceful environment. The ten billion yen worth restaurant is located in the Shinjuku area, which is one of the biggest and busiest areas of Tokyo. It is often regarded as a “place that never sleeps.” The next day, we decided to get tipsy at Izakaya Alleys. Though John and I were satisfied with the quality of food served at the Robot Restaurant, we wanted to explore the maximum number of bars, nightclubs, and restaurants in Tokyo. So for a more unique experience, we made Izakaya Alleys (Yokocho) our next destination. Izakaya is one of the best and most famous bars in Japan, where we were provided with delicious drinks and local cuisines. The sandwiches that contained meatballs and potato rings along with some mayonnaise and ketchup were my favorite. Izakaya Alleys are smoky, old fashioned streets that can be found at several locations in towns like Shinjuku and Shibuya. During my visit there, I lost my wallet, and it made me and John feel unhappy. We were...
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