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Creative Journal Writing

Essay Instructions:

Informal format is fine. Each prompt is separate. Make each prompt about 200 words.

1. Write a page in which you describe eating in the company of others. Using sensory details, convey a sense of the setting, the quality of the food, and the presence of your dining companions. Now rewrite your paragraph as Ernest Hemingway. Finally, rewrite as William Faulkner.

2.Write about a recent romantic comedy film. How does the plot fulfill the notion of comedy? Or if it was meant to be funny but fell short, what was lacking?

3. Think back to a confrontation in your own life, and describe the event from a point of view contrary to your own. Try to imagine yourself inside your speaker’s personality, and present the facts as that person would, as convincingly as you can.

4. Think of a place which you return to often. If possible, go there. Make a list of every physical detail you can think of to describe that place. Then look the list over and write a paragraph on what sort of mood is suggested by it. If you were to describe your emotional connection to the place, which three details would you choose? Why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 I remember a meal with my family members during one summer. We were at the beach and about 50 members of my extended family was there for a family reunion that was held every 3 years. I was eating a juicy watermelon from the family farm behind this certain beach. The shade of coconut trees and the continuous cool breeze from the see countered the heat of the rays of the sun. It was a laid back afternoon as some of the grown-ups chilled and drank some booze, while the little children laughed out loud, running, shouting, and playing at the beach. I sat on a hammock tied to two coconut trees while some of my cousins rested on the shade as they sipped on their fresh coconut water. The watermelon that I was eating was almost seedless, but its firm and yet crunchy flesh held its intense distinct taste and sweet and refreshing flavour.
2 Crazy Rich Asians is a romantic comedy film that successfully portrays how love can be real, and at the same time, how social status, money, power, and ambition can complicate love. The plot is able to show that there are some aspects to life that show the value of relationship, love, and personal growth that cannot be achieved by just using money. It is funny because it uses satire and the occasional absurdity that rich people have because of their social capabilities. The comedy is most prominent on how the dichotomy between rich and middle-class provide a challenge to creating relationships with each other from the difference in culture and behaviour due to social class.
3 There was one time that NAME protected me during one night out drinking. It was already late at night when some drunk men were annoying us by making fun of us and laughing discriminately at our group. We were a group of four, 2 girls, and 2 guys. There were 4 guys who were obviously disrespecting us. They shouted lewd ideas and they were verbally expressing their attraction to me and my other lady friend. They wanted to molest us and they were taunting us that we should go with them or they would cause a commotion. They were obviously too drunk which gave them the courage to say obscenities at us, and me and my lady friend were sexually harassed by their words and their actions. At first, we tried to ignore them, as we tried to empathize and understand where these harsh men were acting from. NAME tried to calm us down by telling us to ignore them and continue our own fun and joy by not minding the annoying men and continuing our merry making from drinking. However, the annoying men didn’t stop harassing us, and one time, I went to the comfort room, when 3 of the men followed me....
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