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Elements in the Cosmos: Musings of Neil deGrasse Tyson

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video at the below URL and write a minimum of 1,000 words concerning what you learned from it. Assignment is worth up to two points added to your final grade. IMPORTANT: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. This assignment uses TurnItIn.com for originality verification. If you copy/paste from other sources, you will receive a zero.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

These are the musings of Neil deGrasse Tyson that he gave in a public lecture at the University of Washington. The speech took place in December 2011. The speech revolved around his perspective on science and life. Neil started on an exciting topic; that the proof of life correlates with water, the correlation ushered in the existence of life on four planets, that is: Earth, Mars, Europa and Exoplanets. Neil described that planet Europa there existed Liquid Ocean of water underneath the visible ice on the surface, and for planet Mars, which appears as a planet that rotates on its axis ones in 24hours, it has polar ice caps, it also experiences seasons due to rotation on its axis. The intriguing nature of mars drew the attention of a wealthy man from England known as Percival Lowell who had an observatory in Arizona to study Mars; because he believed, life exists in Mars. The believed had backed on the presence of water that appeared on the crater. In the Exoplanets, he referred to Gliese 581g or Goldilocks planets and any planet that comes near it the water evaporates. The musings of Neil moved to Pluto that belongs to Kuiper belt, it is a dwarf planet, which has been a focus of controversy because of the school thought that Pluto is not a planet.
Near earth, objects known as asteroids, which Neil believes that it will collide with earth. The school of thought is because they eat the earth and form a crater and a good example was in Arizona. Though, the actual date of near earth object will be colliding with the earth was not known. The near earth object was Apophis discovered in 2004 December. Apophis was estimated to collide with dearth in 2029, April 13th. If the collision occurred, Apophis would the most prominent object to hit the earth. The Aphosis is prevented by a gravitational tractor beam that drift the Apophis little to restrict it to collide with the planet. The destruction if hits the earth, will cause a massive tsunami that will wipe the whole town.
Black hole describes as dark matter and dark energy; it has the pressure that accelerates the gravity force. Neil honestly acknowledged that there is literature on the black hole that can explain the matter and the energy. Though he likened it with the Bing bang theory that happened 13.7 billion years ago, and he also added that the Bing bang would fit in the multiverse theory.
Rest of the world and science- in China they are building the most prominent aerospace, in Russia, they are funding a mission out of space to deflate Apophis. Brazil has the third largest aerospace industry in the world, and they invented a plane that runs on alcohol. In Europe, they contributed to the world of science by having portraits of scientist in their currency. German produces the best mechanical engineer. Also, in German, their money has a mathematics equation on their currency.
Naming rights- in the discovery stage that natives only new...
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