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Leaving Medication Unattended

Essay Instructions:

Responsibilities of the Reviewer

As a reviewer, it is important to remember that you have been invited to help another person by giving feedback about their work. Writers can feel vulnerable during this process so be respectful and professional, but honest, in your feedback. It’s a good rule of thumb to follow these five rules when reviewing another person’s paper:

  1. Read the paper once without comments so that you get a feel for the whole piece.
  2. Provide a focused summary of feedback that uses a rubric or a checklist to support your narrative comments.
  3. Target big ideas or broad skills that will have a significant impact across the entire piece. For example, recommending that they reorganize certain parts so that the flow of ideas are smoother and more coherent is better than talking about the proper use of commas.
  4. Use constructive criticism with sensitivity to the writer’s feelings by providing specific feedback about how to improve the piece, such as, “I liked this part and was wondering more about the context. Can you relate support of breast cancer awareness to the company’s mission or target market? How does the cause (breast cancer awareness) fit in with the company and what it is selling? How is this cause related to a social responsibility issue?
  5. Be sure to identify what’s “good” in the paper as well as by being positive about the things the writer is doing right. Reinforce their efforts and those skills that make the piece effective. Think of the ”sandwich approach,” i.e., start with mentioning something good about their writing, discuss some areas for improvement, and then finish up with some suggestions for solving the weaknesses.
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                                    HLT-317v Peer Review Worksheet   Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback.  Copy and paste the completed review into your reply to the post containing the assigned draft.  Do not post your review as an attachment.   Name of the Draft’s Author:   Name of the Peer Reviewer:     Summary:  After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3–5 sentences) of the paper in the box below.   
The paper focuses on the problems related to leaving medication unattended which is a very dangerous thing to do because of the vulnerability of the children. The author asserts that it is dangerous to leave the medication unattended for the sake of the children’s safety. It further elucidates that children medical poisoning was rampant for the children below four years which was the eight leading cause of non-fatal injuries. Leaving medication unsecured was a big concern across various hospitals within America.
   Literature Review Draft After a second, closer reading of the draft, evaluate the essay using the Literature Review Draft. Determine the level of achievement appropriate for each assignment criteria. (Level of achievement ranges from Unsatisfactory to Excellent and are found at the top of the rubric. Assignment criteria are found in the left column of the rubric.) Introduction of the Topic
  • What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?
There are various level of achievements of the author in relation to the introduction of the topic. Preliminarily, the introduction provides a flash overview of the entire theme of the paper. It introduces the author as it focuses on the main objective of the paper.
  • What evidence do you have for this score?
It is evident in the through the explanation of the author about the possible health fatalities related to the unsecured medication posing health risks. The introduction further express children as the most affected group in the society by leaving medication unattended on toddlers.         Literature Review in Research
  • What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?
The author scored through engaging the audience in the perfect elaboration on the influences and prevention of unintentional poisoning among the children below four years. The author elucidates about the fatalities related to unsecure storage of medicine and the increase in health complication and fatalities linked to poor medication storage.
  • What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?
The evidence is through the estimation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate about the medical cases related to the unintentional poisoning among the children of four years and below. Ethical Considerations for Data Collection
  • What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?
The ethics provides the guidelines or conduct while performing a specific task in relation to human privacy rights. The author score well in the ethical section through seeking various ethical procedures b...
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