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Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell Summary

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instruction of I've uploaded carefully and finish this Essay. Remember it is a literature class rather than history class,please dont write some informations irrelevant with story and the topic.

Read "Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell"(This story is regarding the Buddhism) in the PDF file of I have uploaded and compare this story with Sima Qian’s Biographies for finish this essay.....

Please read "Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell"(This story is regarding the Buddhism) in the PDF file of I have uploaded and compare this story with Sima Qian’s Biographies for finish this essay.


1. The topic is comparing the story “Mulian Rescues His Mother” with Sima Qian’s biographies, what are the differences you find in terms of narrative structure and strategies?

2. Clear thesis (Don’t warm up and just go straight forward. For example: what your find in this story and what you want to argue after read this story. It’s Chinese literature class rather than history class so don’t write some information irrelevant with story.) Please proof your argument or analysis and statement clearly.

3. Do not need to summary the information already appeared in the story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell
The story Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell clearly establishes a Muslims journey through Heaven and Hell, an aspect that denotes the restoration of karmic balance over the three life-cycles of life. The article depicts Mulian san shi baojuan as a composite nature by demonstrating to the lay believers on the repercussions of failing to adhere to the tenets of the Buddhist religion. This clearly explains the meaning of the amalgam of values that are practiced beyond the confines of a doctrinal religion. On the other hand, the Sima Qian’s bibliographies provide rich histories on the entire past of the Chinese communities. The Annals of these biographies are based on a series of records of the early dynastic families during the mythic Yellow Emperor. This paper consequently seeks to conduct a comparative study on the article Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell with the Sima Qian’s biographies.
Mulian san shi baojuan gives a depiction of the repercussions faced by adherents of the Buddhist religion, hence denoting the need to compare the arguments held in these tenets with those established in the Sima Qian’s biographies concerning death.
Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell and Sima Qian’s biographies
The Mulian san shi baojuan narrative focuses on Mulian’s journey through heaven and hell. The article depicts Mulian san shi baojuan as a composite nature by demonstrating to the lay believers on the repercussions of failing to adhere to the tenets of the Buddhist religion. This clearly explains the meaning of the amalgam of values that are practiced beyond the confines of a doctrinal religion. Comparatively, Sima Qian’s biographies firstly give a depiction of a Grand Historian of China who assumed the role and spent most of his life as a strong-willed emperor who brought the golden age of the Han dynasty to its power (DiCosmo & Nikola, 1991). According to the bibliographies, Sima Qian’s father known as Sima Tan transformed the nature of his duty from those that largely involved astrology and divination to an expansion of his plans to work for history by collecting materials for this aspect. The Sima family as established in this narrative is illustrious to the Zhou Dynasty.
In the story, Mulian Rescues His Mother from Hell, the three cycles of life are introduced according to the Buddhist philosophies that include the paths of pain, its dissolution, and the Ten Commandments. The Buddha is considered to have lived in this world in a bid to show his deep commitment to the three treasures co...
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