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Book Review: The Power Of Habit By Charles Duhigg

Essay Instructions:

The power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Examine the similarities and differences between Paul and O'Neill's on "safety" and Starbucks' focus on "best service" as keystone habits. How do these keystone habits differ? How are they similar?
Please write for three paragraph in one single paper. Remember it should be one page in good manner.
peer pressure involves the social habits that encourage people to conform to group expectation. provide examples of peer pressure that are positive. What are some examples of negative peer pressure? How can one form of influence-peer pressure- be both good and bad? what. does this tell us about how we should train people to recognize peer pressure. Once again this should be one page totally two page with the first question.
Both question should be from the book called The Power of Habits By Charles Duhigg.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Book Review
Examine the similarities and differences between Paul O'Neill's on “safety” and Starbucks’ focus on “best service” as keystone habits. How do these keystone habits differ? How are they similar?
One of the major differences between Paul O’Neill’s and Starbuck’s strategy is that the former focused on changing the organization’s keystone habits while the latter focused on impacting the individuals who work within the organization. Paul’s strategy targeted the corporation’s culture, and ultimately he managed to change the beliefs and values of the employees and most importantly made the company profitable. Starbucks believed that by changing its people’s mindset, it could eventually impact the company’s productivity. Their idea has indeed worked, and the organization not only boasts of high-profit margins but also a workforce that believes in the ultimate dream of the organization.
The other difference is solely centered on the fact that one focused on the employees while the other focused on the clients. Starbucks trained their employees to master their willpower and to deal with their inflection points ahead of time. As a result, the organization managed to develop a culture that seeks to offer the best to their customers. Conversely, Paul focused on the safety of his people and the workplace. This created a sense of belonging and also showed the employees that they were indeed a part of the organization. The result was that the employees reciprocated in their productivity.
The similarity in the above keystone habits is that they were both able to influence and impact the culture and values of both organizations. The third change that is associated with keystone habits is that they help to develop new “organizational cultures that embody new values.” In Paul’s safety strategy, Alcoa was able to change how it does its operations, and in turn, the impact spread to its productivity and ultimately to its profit margin. Conver...
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