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Modernism and the Search for Self

Essay Instructions:
Using the instructions below as the basis of your paper, write an essay that explores that central idea of the American as seeking and creating the “new.” Consider, too, the ways in which Baym suggests that “At the heart of the high modernist aesthetic lay the conviction that the previously sustaining structures of human life, whether social, political, religious, or artistic, had been destroyed or show up as falsehoods or, at best, arbitrary and fragile human constructions” (Baym, et. al, 2008, p. 1888). How does the literature you chose demonstrate that desire to reject the old standards of identity/role? **Choose one of the modernist poets (Eliot, Pound, Frost, or Robinson) . Analyze their work, focusing on how the poet you chose deals with that desire to take traditional forms and ideas and make them new. Reference The Norton Anthology. American Literature
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Robert frost
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How Robert frost transforms the traditional ideas and makes them new
Frost was one of the most popular poets in America in the 20th century. He was one of the poets of the early days to use modernism ideas in poems while still making traditional forms of poetry writing modern. He said that poetry was a temporary stay beside confusion and was seen to have come to the world in the modern era. He was born of parents who were teachers and this means that he got exposed to reading books at an early age. His first poem was published in 1913 and fellow poets became friend and supported him very much (Poetry Foundation, n.d).
However, frost in his work, took 19th century tools and made them new to be able to accomplish objectivity and grace. In his works, he adhered to meter, rhyme scheme and length of the lines. On the contrary, other poets criticized his work and pointed out that he made his problem more complex and improved his style by setting ancient meters against the rhythms of speech (Poetry Fou...
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