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Short Essay

Essay Instructions:
Write a short compative law discussion of one of the listed areas of food law. (Details are in the module reading on page 17 & 18). You can pick one following areas of food law listed on page 17. Pick ONE of the following areas of food law: - Sodium and/or potassium nitrate as food ingredients - Allergen labeling - Labeling of the function of food additives Compare the laws and regulations in the United States with one other country or region (of course, you must pick of a country that has law on the topic to compare!) Begin with rule comparison (that is, compare the text of the law in the two regions). How are the laws different? How are they the same? Be sure that you have found the law on point. This can be trickier than it looks because of differing ways that requirements are named and classified. For instance, sulfite sensitivity is not medically considered an allergic reaction. Nonetheless, sulfite sensitivity may be regulated as a food allergen in one country. A different country may regulate it as a substance of public health significance without labeling it as an allergen. So, if you are comparing just the “allergen” laws of these two countries, you will miss that second countryʼs requirements. Write up a brief rule comparison (the requirements of the laws). Include citations and where you found the law. Next apply some of the other comparative approaches mentioned, such as a system-centered, historical, functional, etc. What factors can you find that provide (or might provide) insight into the comparison of the laws? Write up a brief discussion of your other comparison. Post your assignment in this moduleʼs discussion forum. Please do not look at other postings until you post your own. Working through this exercise on your own is more important than your specific findings. This assignment is designed as a beginning exercise. Brilliance is not required just an intelligent discussion of about 200-400 words. Your assignment is due ten days after the start date of this module.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject Examined: Allergen Labeling Regions: United States and United Kingdom Rule Comparison: See chart below United States of America United Kingdom Law Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 United Kingdom food labeling regulations Citation Section 203, (w), (6), (A) Section 35 Status Allowed Banned Provision Any person may petition the Secretary to exempt a food ingredient….. from the allergen labeling requirements of this subsection. Under the Food Labeling Regulations all mandatory labeling information must appear on either: the outermost packaging, a label attached to the outermost packaging, or be clearly visible through the outer packaging. For multi-packs not for individual sale the above applies. Where the products within the multi-pack are for individual sale, all the information should appear on each product. Source For USA, USA Food and Drug Administration For UK, Food Standards Agency For Reference see bibliography i In USA, some of the ingredients which are classified as allergens are consented but only with the approval of Secretary of Health and Human Services. The most plausible reason for this clause is US consumers are not very food conscious and normally don`t look at the ingredients and but if any of them do take a look , the manufacturers don`t want the co...
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