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Editorial Evaluation Essay

Essay Instructions:
Editorial Evaluation Essay (2 Pages) Read an editorial in a current newspaper, and write a two-page essay evaluating the argument skills it demonstrated, using your answer to the six questions on page 253 (image below) about the strengths and weaknesses of arguments to help you decide whether or not the editorial is a good argument or not. Please do not just answer the questions; turn your responses into a coherent, organized essay with a clear thesis and good support for your inferences.
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The conclusion drawn by the editorial on the USA Today about GPS tacking by the police is that a judge`s warrant is needed before the technology would be used to track a person despite the circumstances that necessitates the tracking. The editorial conclusion is based on the freedom of individual privacy as provided by the constitution and the fact that a court of appeal overturned the conviction of a drug dealer who was captured by the police through the GPS technology. Despite the support of the constitution on the privacy individuals, the editorial conclusions did not support the fact that the GPS is usually used to provide information for mitigation of crime and not for any malicious intentions (Syed, 2011).
The assumptions of the editorial is that the government in general supports use of GPS by the police to track people based on the fact that one of the government attorneys said that it is appropriate for the police to secretly track suspects without the need for a warrant. It is possible that these were personal opinions of the attorney and not necessarily the stand of the government which is most likely to be in the forefront of protecting the privacy of individuals in regard to the constitution. Moreover, the editorial assumes that the use of GPS technology without a warrant to track people would result to loss of individual privacy. The editorial should have considered the circumstances under which the police usually use GPS tracking which is to investigate crime with an intention of protecting the public from the same criminals.
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