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Mitigation Strategies for Natural Catastrophes and Medical Response of Bobsville

Essay Instructions:

Suggest mitigation strategies for each of the high-risk priorities in the natural, technological, and human caused categories for the fictional location of Bobsville. Use the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) that you completed in EDMG101, or if you have not taken EDMG101, use the sample HVA provided here. You may be brief in your suggestions, a few words on how to mitigate each risk priority is sufficient.

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Mitigation Strategies- Bobsville
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Mitigation Strategies- Bobsville
Bobsville is one of the cities located in the American heartland of Oklahoma. Over the years, the city has experienced different risks, such as natural catastrophes and related financial hazards that might hinder effective operations. For that reason, policymakers need to enact risk mitigation strategies as an ongoing effort following a qualitative assessment to address the occurrence of tragedies that might affect operations. Such a process entails mitigation of significant risks and management after their identification. Therefore, project managers should collaborate with risk managers and policymakers to incorporate risk mitigation strategies in the project execution phase. In addition, mitigation strategies for the high-risk priorities would need collaboration between relevant stakeholders such as federal/state agencies, emergency management support systems, healthcare providers, and hospital facilities.
The annex of Mass Casualty Incident entails policies, procedures, and concepts related to providing medical care response to the various mass casualty incidents in the Bobsville region. Therefore, such occurrences require safety provision as a mitigation strategy, especially during emergencies. Structural collapse, transportation incidents, and harsh weather conditions are the casualty incidents that are likely to occur in the Bobsville region. Most emergency incidents arise as a result of human causal and natural factors. Therefore, mitigation strategies would need mutual resource sharing among emergency support systems, healthcare providers, and hospital facilities. In such a case, local medical resources would help in addressing the immediate medical needs.
In the case of a mass casualty incident in Bobsville, elected officials should decide on recovery and response priorities. The state officials have the authority to allocate mission assignments that emphasize material resources in addressing the various requirements of mass casualty incidents. Governors need to approve representatives who can coordinate with local, state governments and agencies to prevent natural risks in emergencies. Notably, the stakeholders will implement the most effective strategies of addressing the underlying issues and distributing the needed information. Bobsville’s city personnel will work collaboratively with staff in response to various operations during disaster occurrence. However, it will be imperative to store all essential records for easy reference.
Besides, medical officers will have to inform the hospital facility at the incident scene and advise them about any mass casualty incident. Such officers will educate hospitals about the plan to activate Annex E. Equally, the emergency management system officer will learn about the activation. Therefore, the incident command post will help in executing coordination between inter-jurisdictional and inter-agency. In such a case, personnel in pre-hospitals will have an allocation to a talk group. Federal mutual aid plays a significant role in the recovery and mitigation from a disaster based on the governor’s requests. Therefore, the Emergency Management Agency has a core responsibility of establishing a disaster field office based on the Federal Coordination Officer supervision. The disaster field office will have to access the needed resources in the various functional areas of the emergency support system.
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) is a systematic approach to recognizing the hazards that might affect the operations and activities across Bobsville City. As such, the government officials can have a chance to analyze each threat to prioritize planning, response, mitigation, and recovery missions. The HVA is a needs assessment for the emergency management program that would involve various community partners and emergency response agencies. Natural, technological, and human factors are the major categories likely to occur in Bobsville, as illustrated in the excel sheet.
Natural Risk Priorities
Bobsville is susceptible to various natural risks that need effective mitigation strategies to avoid far-reaching impacts on the city. For instance, floodings are common types of natural hazards that would require government officials’ attention to address the underlying issues. For example, monitoring weather conditions would be an effective way to monitor winter storms across the different areas of Bobsville (FEMA, 2010). Besides, the officials should implement preventative maintenance on various snowplows before ...
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